Melvyn, (and goanetters note)
People do not vote for administration; they vote for persons who are candidates 
of political parties or independents.
 Manohar is a member of RSS the Gandhi killers. Have U taken the time to read 
the BJP party manifesto: it is pure fascism of the casteist saffron variety! 
Nazis indeed ! They work for 'Hindu only' supremacy in India; All others are 
third class residents, not even considered full Indian citizens, once these 
fascists get full power.
We are not worried what this dictatorial fascist leader brute studied and in 
what language. We and the Parents of children have the Right of Choice of 
language and MOI, for their children who are minors!
This is guaranteed in the Indian Constitution. No govt. of the day "can 
discriminate FUNDING for education on basis of MOI, starting from Primary 
levels. Now the Funding is available, and rightly so!
If your saffron fascist, casteist Manohar is 'so educated', how come he chooses 
to 'Discriminate' and sides with the other Communalist woman, Shashikala??
He should be going to School all over again, this time thru an advanced 
language school like English. And you too; for putting 'this nonsense' before 
Let him be a member of goanet, and discuss/debate; let him be answerable to 
'Meet the Press' Q and A programs, so that all his cunning anti people stuff 
can be exposed.
Melvyn, the above are the FACTS. 
What  Facts are you talking about; his private facts and private stuff; we are 
not interested. Will you and your Manohar now answer our questions?
Why has there to be a BAD Party and Bad leaders? Why can these people reform 
and do good for all; and then win the hearts of all Indians? Embrace the 
Harijan/ Dalit. Come On Now.
It is their avowed policy of fascism. All other so called 'good stuff, is only 
a means to an end, for the fascists. Is this what you want? 
Now will you join the anti saffron casteist BJP and RSS forces, and expose 
their EVIL? or you want to lick their behind and ultimately get trodden with 
their Hitler Boots?
Think man Think!
Nascy Caldeira

From: Melvyn Ferrao <>
Sent: Sunday, 12 June 2011 1:36 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Manohar Parrikar

Please get your facts right everyone. Manohar Parrikar studied in Marathi
till secondary education and went on to join the country's premier

His children did their primary schooling in Marathi and are doing well in
their fields.

He is supporting local languages for the reason that they help in building
the fundamentals of the child that helps in further education.

He is still Goa's best CM ever considering the administrative efficiency,
dedication and commitment he showed in his short-lived tenure. People brag
about communalism but conveniently ignore the good things he did such as
building infrastructure for St. Xavier's feast or IFFI. This tag of
communalism should not be applied to BJP in Goa.

Please do not ignore that there are fan clubs on Orkut and Facebook for
Parrikar, but not any other past CM and understandably none of the current
CM. The members are educated Goan youth who are not fools but people who see
hope unlike internet warriors who only know to type long criticising emails
in online forums and cannot differentiate between bad and better.

It is time Goans unite and vote in favour of administration for a better

Melvyn Ferrao


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