-----Original Message-----

>From Adolfo Mascarenhas
Responding to Message 11 
Message-ID: <BANLkTi=ZFJkO1zuX7WC0n==2gifcovq...@mail.gmail.com>

Let me make a few observations about Antonio's perceptions. First, he
" For persons of Goan origin residing in countries like the UK, Canada, the
US, Australia, etc, the question of who or what is a Goan  would appear to
have become an obsessive intellectual pursuit." 

That is your opinion. How many "intellectuals" and there and in UK, Canada,
etc and how many actually write. You cannot judge the silent majority from
the few who write!! Just like the majority of migrants they have tended to
mingle or be "cliques" indeed not even Goan cliques etc.  There are
exceptions, for instance, when we were in Los Angeles I was struck by the
fact that the Jews tended to congregate but there were huge differences
between those who came from Poland or Iran or Egypt. For some strange
reasons we made quite a few friends. Yet, I think there is considerable
difference in outlook between Goans who migrated from India or East Africa
or Kuwait but even among them there is a difference whether they are
professionals etc. 

Secondly, Goans have an identity and this identity is not because they "love
the colonizers" but because we have culturally adapted/adapted traits
belonging to East West and North. Culturally we are as cosmopolitan as the
Lebanese. Our "genes" are fairly mixed and we are versatile  ...... I am not
talking about being "pure or impure in a racial sense" I do not believe in
that .. (There are more genes in common between a Kikuyu and  a European
than between a French and a Turk ....) 

It is the long exposure to different cultures and religions that make us
adaptable and to fit in. Is this a sign of greatness ..... hardly. But a
very valuable "trait" 

Thirdly, you go on .... to state " ..... is most probably a result of an
identity crisis. No matter, what one's perception is about the greatness of
Goa and its overseas people, the white people ....Goans for them are a
coloured people" So is that a problem of the Goans or the "whites" Each of
us know what we are really worth and so do other people who are thinking
straight.  In California I was once talking to a farmer from Norway .... he
put two and two and realized I was not a Mexican, suddenly strolls Gary
(southern white, newly rich, unpleasant) and tried to but in but gave up. My
Californian farmer turns to me and says where does that Guy come from? There
are many Goans, Indians, Africans who have self esteem and confidence and
that is very good.    It is not because they are "colonized great" or have
an ego but have confidence, dignity etc.  Of course there will be
discrimination but we must not fall in the same trap of being discriminatory
in turn.     

My own feeling are that the majority of Goans are normal human beings ....
some feel great, others feel "Portuguese" still others feel persecuted.
Goans having an identity crisis ? ..... the majority HARDLY! 

If you do not have an enlarged ego, that is great it is the first step of
being a normal Goan, normal human being.  If we shared a history of 450
years with the "Portuguese" then we would be strange to deny this ...... the
Germans fought the British in two big wars ... they obviously share a bit
history .... so do the Goans,  we share our history with billions. And a few
million Portuguese.  


End of Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 558


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