*John Gomes:*

The government says a strong Lokpal will be answerable to nobody,
civil society is trying to rewrite the Constitution and only higher
bureaucracy may be included!****

I have been listening to the debates on TV and I can see that they are
fighting tooth and nail to defend their fiefdom. So it appears that
besides corruption,we will have to fight to defend and enforce the
true spirit and interpretation of our Constitution and Democracy!


The draft Lok Pal Bill and the debate thereon are like the Curate’s
egg – good in parts. While it is true that we need some mechanism to
check and control corruption, the method being employed is
unfortunately lacking. We are blind believers that if pass stringent
laws or create constitutional authorities, the problems will simply go
away and we will have ram rajya. The truth of the matter is that there
is a surfeit of laws and a dearth of regulatory supervision.
Corruption has so permeated every regulatory authority that it is next
to impossible to eradicate it without drastic surgical intervention.
Can you name one sector which is devoid of corruption? Our judiciary,
our defence forces, our religious authorities, our educationists, our
doctors, our lawyers have all been contaminated by corruption. And sad
to say, I am seeing it even in the private sector and among NGO’s.****

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The revulsion against politicians is so great that we all would like
to believe the Lok Pal like some Superman is the answer to all our
ills. However, we tend to ignore the fact the Lok Pal will be selected
from one amongst us. What if he decides to take authority into his own
hands and act like a dictator. What is the recourse to civil society?
We all know how Giani Zail Singh tried to destabilize Rajiv Gandhi.
What happens if power goes to the head of the Lok Pal? We are aware of
how difficult it is to get rid of corrupt judges and other
constitutional figures. We need to have checks and balances in the
system. More importantly we need to inculcate good ethics and values
in our children and citizens. We need people of integrity and strong
character. Only then will there be positive change in society. While
we do need an institution like Lok Pal let us not expect too much,
lest we be disappointed.




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