On 28 June 2011 11:33, J. Colaco < jc> <cola...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Comment: Thank you Gabe for NOT answering the question put to you.
> I will try one more time - by simplifying it - and then .... sit shhhh on
> this matter:
> (I add two questions which appears to be confusing o senhor Oxford)
> [A] The Gabe question: If you + 14 guys (let's just call them hunky
> well-dressed, with non-fenic perfume, non-goondas) have turned up (already)
> at (say) your parish council meeting, would you be 'championed, invited to
> leave or forcibly removed/arrested IF you obstinately insist on "speaking
> to
> the parish priest" .....at the meeting?
> [B] For the benefit of  Morris Oxford, who has contended that British Legal
> system is being followed in India.
> In the UK, could the arrival of 14+ non-goondas 'demanding' to speak to you
> or else - constitute an assault? Does this type of an assault case require
> a
> doctor to 'physically' examine the alleged victim, and to testify in court?

RESPONSE: You asked before and you got an answer - now you are changing
tack. I repeat the Police would not book me for assault - maybe they do
these things in Goa and perhaps in the Bahamas. Demanding to be heard does
not constitute assault - at least not in my book - maybe yours!

Doesn't need rocket science to figure out that Aires and 14 others were
singled out for treatment, whereas the goondas of Fontinhas ill fame go away
scot free. The law in Goa and the guardians are an Ass.

I have taken  up many matters and I don't need 14 heavies, I demand to speak
to the Manager and usually get my way and satisfaction. Aires made his point
and the priest was sent away - but given a plum post in Calgary instead of
being sent to a small village in the Congo.

I have pointed the way and perhaps someone will bring to the attention of
the Authorities in Calgary for action to be taken. Don't be surprised if he
is on the next plane back to Goa or somewhere else.

Finally in the real World, I could now assault a Police officer with obscene
words and it would not constitute as an assault - the Courts would throw it
out...hmm. Playing with words is one thing but to suggest that Aires and 14
others assaulted the priest is plain downright ignorant and stupid.

Save the tax payers money and the prosecutors embarrassment, declare Aires
and co not guilt and be done with it. Such a case would not come to anything
here in the U.K.


Gabe Menezes.

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