On Sat, 02 Jul 2011 09:15:15 -0700, Santosh Helekar wrote:
<<<Boorish religious chauvinism, sectarianism and communalism,
combined with crackpot nascimentality, have always existed in Goa in equal
measure among the Hindus and the Catholics for as long as I can remember. These
traits are especially prominent among politicians and political activists, a
good example of which can be seen in the post appended below. The modus
operandi of a politician looking for cheap popularity and support from his
co-religionists has always been to single out the other religious community for
abuse, and resort to wild generalizations and conspiracy theories. From my
parents and 

grandparents, and from the history that I have read I have learned
that the situation was much worse in the past than it is today. For one thing,
today the power is shared equally by politicians of both communities elected by
the people of Goa.Cheers, Santosh>>>


RESPONSE : Santosh would do more justice to this blind comment of
his if he could provide reference to any communal violence having occurred in
Goa during the Portuguese regime, instead of dragging his parents and grand
parents as source of his knowledge. An educated person quotes from knowledge he
has obtained from recorded history as I produced in my previous post. If family
sources are quoted as source of such misinformation it makes the information
biased and tends to make one believe that communal seeds were really sowed in
some families.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.                                           
  • ... Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
    • ... floriano
      • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
    • ... Carvalho
    • ... Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
    • ... Santosh Helekar
      • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
        • ... Santosh Helekar
          • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
            • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
      • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

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