False modesty as also superciliousness always sucks. Could I ask the simple  
Simon Doctor the reason why adenomas/fibroids develop or why the common cold is 
yet not amenable to medical treatment? When causes are not known , medical 
treatments cannot be reliably devised said an eminent Goan Physician currently 
practising Internal Medicine as a Consultant at Bombay Hospital, India. Another 
renowned Surgeon ,also practising at the same hospital echoed the same views. 
A Nobel laureate, no less than Pauling, accepted that whilst he had no proof, 
he felt that Vitamin C could hold a cure for the common cold. Unfortunately Dr. 
JC does not find himself in the company of these humble men of medicine.Rather 
he  is inclined to force down his penchant for non-medical views masquerading 
under the rigor of medical science.Perhaps it is time for JC to wake up and 
smell the coffee. Social sciences by their very nature are vastly amenable to 
different criteria than
 the Medical Sciences.
To come to the point, it is a sociological axiom that the ruler imposed his 
religion.(Cuius regio,eius religio) This occured not only in India,but also in 
Europe and in other parts of the world.Yes, even the Hindu religion known for 
its tolerance wiped out Jainism and even built over Jain temples in India.
May I at this stage quote a renowned Goan origin ,Indian citizen, Jesuit 
sociologist Fr.Rudolf Heredia to express and  elucidate the point. Referring to 
Samuel Huntingtons book titled The Clash of Civilisations, Dr Heredia, YES DR. 
"... barbaric violence is fuelled by wounded memories and unresolved grievances 
from a long gone past,colonial and pre-colonial. All too often, these are 
deliberately kept alive by vengeful zealots to nurse injured collective egos. 
However, when it comes to religious violence,there are no precision-guided hate 
bombs.Rather with such 'chosen traumas' there is a sense of self-righteousness 
and self-justification that legitimizes horrors in the name of 'the cause'. Yet 
to think in terms of 'teaching them a lesson' when the initial assumption is 
precisely that 'such people never learn', exposes the inconsistencies in this 
madness without method." 
Despite the well-known academic rigor of the Jesuits, Dr. Rudolph Heredia. S. 
J. does not cite research papers previously published in peer reviewed other 
Journals to make his point. It is his conviction based on the way he 
experiences the world that he expresses.
 We must hasten to thank God for bestowing on us the human faculties of 
critical thinking so as to enable us not to solely depend on previously 
published,peer reviewed Papers in Journals, as the simple Simon Dr. JC would 
lead us to believe .
A question to the simple Simon medical Doctor. Please prove to me that "the 
whole is greater than the part,or that the part is lesser than the whole". 
Perhaps Simple Simon Doctor may succeed where Euclid did not.
Come on dear simple Simon doctor. Live life .Have fun. Can we be of help to 
bring you down safely from your ivory tower.We are ready to deploy a team of 
native Goan Lashkars( colonial labourers)  to attend to you.

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