Dear Eugene,
Many thanks for the enlightening discourse on the English idiom. Although I am 
familiar with the idiom, much of what you have provided was not within my 
knowledge. Obliged for that.
To my humble knowledge, "this is all Greek to me" is an idiomatic way of saying 
"I dot understand this at all" or, to use other idioms, "this has gone over my 
head" / "I cannot make head or tail of this". And you presume this is what Tony 
meant. But please reread Tony's original sentence: "Konkani? Looks more like 
Greek to me. I think I have to re enroll for Std II! :/".  Do you still hold 
the same opinion? Does "looks more like Greek to me" fit the idiom format? I 
don't think so. To me, his statement it means: "This is not Konkani. It appears 
as if it were Greek. If this is really Konkani, then I should go back to school 
to learn it!" I presumed he could not understand a part or the whole of the 
poem, especially because there were some transliteration errors in the the form 
it was originally posted in, which garbled the meaning somewhat. Hence my 
request to Tony. But what was Tony's response? In stead of complying with my 
request, he went completely
 off the rails with, "While Sebastian Borges may 'claim' to be an expert in 
Konkani (a view certainly not supported by a faction of Konkani cognoscenti), I 
personally, have my doubts about his knowledge of the English language as 
demonstrated by his remark above!!!!!!!!!" Is this warranted? Even assuming I 
have made the claim that he suspects I have, does it matter to the issue at 
hand? Did I give my opinion on the poem? If my translation was faulty, he could 
have pointed out the errors. And what has my knowledge of the ENGLISH language 
got to do with getting the meaning of a KONKANI poem? I would still request 
Tony to let us know exactly what it was that he could not understand in the 
If Tony went off the rails, the baby-doctor went into orbit with his puerile, 
nay infantile, logic as usual. Better ignore the incorrigible.
Mog asum.
Sebastian Borges
 On Sat, 16 Jul 2011 Eugene Correia <> wrote:
<<I think the debate over this (or is it "in this"?) has gone off tanget. Tony 
obviously used an English idiom (explanation below from Wikipedia) and Borges 
seemingly took Tony's words literally. Unless,Borges explains that he 
understood the idiom. I think Tony was outright wrong in questioning Borges's 
expertise on the language.
However, no one in Goa or elsewhere is the last word on Konkani.
For the doctor from Bahamas to jump into this fray with his usual cockeyed view 
and also hit Borges below the belt for the latter's support for Devnagiri was 
uncalled for. But the good doctor dishes out his own brand of medicine for all 
the ills that goanetters suffer on this forum (ha, ha)
.I hope I had the last word... chapter closed :-)


  • ... Eugene Correia
    • ... Gabe Menezes
    • ... Sebastian Borges
    • ... Tony de Sa
    • ... Tony de Sa
      • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
    • ... Freddy Fernandes
    • ... Tony de Sa
    • ... Tony de Sa
    • ... Sebastian Borges
    • ... Sebastian Borges
    • ... Tony de Sa

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