To all of you who have been getting their knickers in a twist - this must be
good news - I hope I have made your day.

 Goan convention in London to discuss environment degradation back home

*By Mayabhushan Nagvenkar

Panaji, July 17 (IANS)* Thousands of Goans scattered all over the world will
converge in London next week to voice concerns over rampant mining and
corruption in Goa and issues related to job security and unemployment faced
by the diaspora.

The Global Goans Convention (GGC), scheduled to begin in Britain July 22, is
being hosted by diaspora groups in association with the Goa government and
is being held in tandem with the UK Goan festival.

Eddie Fernandes, a London-based spokesperson for the GGC, said that the
brazen destruction of mountains and water-bodies in Goa's hinterland caused
by mining was a cause of concern amongst the diaspora and that it needed to
be tackled, "before it is too late for Goa".

"This is an issue which needs addressing before it is too late for Goa. The
rampant illegal mining taking place in Goa is a cause for concern. We are
fortunate having Carmen Miranda, a mining activist in London. She has been
making representations in Goa and Delhi too," Eddie told IANS.

Carmen Miranda, a former regional director of the Panos Institute, has been
lobbying for an end to indiscriminate and illegal mining in Goa, which is
literally a Rs.6,000 crore industry.

Conservative estimates put Goa's illegal mining industry at nearly 18
percent of the 45,000 million metric tonnes output, according to government

According to Eddie, the GGC, which will see thousands of expat Goans from
the US, Canada, Australia, Europe and Africa converge in London for the
three-day event, will also see the community connecting with their roots and

"As this coincides with the 50th anniversary of Goa's independence, this is
the main theme. Other objectives are to celebrate Konkan culture and to
discuss some of the problems in Goa today," he said.

Several thousand Goans live in Britain and are connected through the parent
Goan Association (UK) and also through smaller networks linked to their
roots in Goan villages and the GGC will help bring them all under one
umbrella and help confront issues affecting not only their home state but
also the country they now live in.

"The Goans in Europe concern themselves with issues within the communities
they live. Issues which affect their everyday lives politically, socially
and economically. Some of the issues are job security, care provision for
the elderly, inflation, indiscipline in schools and with youth," he said.

"Regarding Goa, they are concerned about corruption, garbage, sewage,
mining, power shortages, safety standards and bureaucracy," Eddie added.


Gabe Menezes.

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