Alvaro Collaco is probably not aware that the 2009 Global Goan
Convention was alotted to England. It was at the Tornto convention
that an announcement was made that Rene Barreto will organise the
convention. Rene lacked the support of the GOA UK as it was pointed
out that he was a member in not good standing of the association.
I understand that Rene tried to persuade the Melbourne Goan
association and there were some efforts to get it organized there but
the association backed out because of the financial turmoil that had
seized the world. Rene was quite elated at the Toronto convention when
he was offered the chance to host it. Obviously, the NRI Commissioner
didn't know that Rene could not do it alone with the support of the
Goan Association.
To Rene's credit he organised an international Goan Convention in Goa
in 1979 under the aegis of the Goa Tourism Department. I have no
details how successful it was. However, it is noted that the first
international convention was organized in Paris either in 1962. This
event was said to have been held by a group of Goans who were not
happy with India's takeover of Goa.
As an event of great significance and reach, the GOA Torontof
organised the First International Goan Convention (official title) in
1988. Alvaro's sister Zulema Collaco was president of the GOA. I was
on the executive committee of the GOA. The proposal to host it was
accepted by the committee.
It was either at the exeutive committee meeting or at a meeting held
to bounce ideas Zulema mentioned that the idea to host an
international conference came from Alvaro. She later also said that
the idea was "borrowed" from the Greek community which organised such
an event in Toronto.
I am bit surprised that Alvaro is proposing another association. On a
visit to Londown many years ago I met with leading members of the GOA
UK and was told some things not very complimentary to Alvaro. In this
context, I now doubt his intention. He seems to think that GOA UK is
not capable of playing the lead role in bringing about "worldwide Goan
This business of bringing "solidarity" is a dream. Take the case of
the International Goan Organisation (IGO) that was born out of the
Toronto convention. It was meant to achieve global unity of Goan
association. It failed to even get Goan associations in Canada under
its roof. It's a long story and no need now to get into it. One thing
though I would say that is has survived as a "rump". The IGO was taken
over by Goa ex-MLA Herculano Dourado who still maintains that the
present IGO was illegally constituted. Herculano held a meeting in Goa
during the International Goan Youth Convention and got himself elected
as secretary with a dummy president whose name I forget.
If Eduardo Faleiro made the suggestion of attaingin "worldwide Goan
solidarity", then he should look at Rene again. Rene set up the World
Alliance of Goan Associations, and it was led by Oscar Furtado, who
did not seek the president's post of GOA Toronto this year.
I don't know who is the current president or if the presidentship
automatically goes to the new GOA Toronto president, Glynis Viegas.
I believe Alvaro played a leading role in SCOGO. Could it be that the
GOA UK wanted to "kill" the SCOGO event and started the Goan Festival.
 He feels that GOA UK does not have the means to serve the large Goan
population and that there is a need for an "entirely independent and
community-wide organisation." How many GOA UK members will agree to
his suggestion? Is it a "evolutionary" idea or a "revolutionary" one?
If the GOA UK is falling short of its mandate and role then the
members have a right to demand certain actions.
As I said here before that some Goan associations have sprung up in
Toronto. I am member of both GOA and 55Plus Goan Association. In fact,
many Goans have cross membership.
I was also asked to be a member of the West End Seniors Group but I
declined. Then there is a small cultural group based in Mississauga.
One of its leading member is John D'Souza, a goanetter. I have been
for their line-dancing classes twice. And like London there are upteem
Goan village associations, besides the associations of Goans from
Tanzania, Uganda, etc. There is also a UAE Association, I believe,
with a large Goan membership. We have seen the fight between two
associations in Swindon. I asked here before if these two associations
would allow GOA UK to play a mediatory role. It would be nice if this
option is explored first.
Alvaro's call may be a cry in the wilderness. Jason Keith Fernandes is
to address the issue of Global Goans' Unity at the London conference.
Let's hear what this young man has to say.

Eugene Correia

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