Food fort thought
Mid day meal idea is not specifically tailored to places like Goa. Goa
is well placed on income index The mid day meal is not suitable for
Goa. Most of the parents are well placed to  provide suitable,
nourishing snacks to the children and the others have plenty of pocket
money to splurge Besides many simply do not take advantage of meals
,even though they are counted The menu is not palatable to many a
student with their background. It is the migrant ,poor population ,who
benefit from the scheme, since many may be coming to schools hungry
and not sure of the meal at home on return. The menu should only be
catered to those who opt , with the parents written consent This will
reduce the numbers, so that the meager amount sanctioned could be
better utilised It is presumed that the tenders are well scrutinised,
but the doubts of underhand dealings are not unearthly to assume the
process of Govt. in  tendering. The parents through P.T.A. should be
on the board ,when such tenders are to awarded to their children The
schools starting at 8.a.m and closing at 1.30p.m. with the recess of
15 minutes do not need the mid day meals, since they reach homes for
the lunch The onus on the schools and the Headmaster to be guinea pigs
to certify the edibility of the mid day meals is ridiculous.  The
parents of needy children be given weekly cash incentives, deducting
the days of absence ,that in a way  will ensure regular attendance.
The other better alternative would be to entrust the parents of the
schools to prepare the food. They will have no vested interest to
profit The scheme should not be forced because of huge grants allotted
to every state and the need to utilise the same Statistics show that
Govt of Goa is underutilising the grants and hence the inspecting staf
is under pressure to consume the quota.The frequent , recurring  food
poisoning of students is alarming and rightly  scares the parents and
children as well. Are the suppliers liable to the damage  and
accountable, or is it just another incident to be ignored and
forgotten? There must be a serious rethink on the scheme, applying to
the vulnerable population in selected areas and to limited numbers,
who are socially disadvantaged The scheme should be motivated not with
the interest of self groups, but the wellfare of the students Do not
subject the parents and the students to the trauma of food poisoning
through mid day meals
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276.

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