George commented:
"There should not be any doubt that Goa's media is on the side of the mine owners, mega-project builders, politicians - they are linked through business dealings, "awards" and "grants" for art and entertainment events, sponsorships, advertising."

Leave aside the media, do the Goa miners and builders not control the literary and activist circles and so claimed intelligensia of Goa? The miners and builders decide who will rule Goa, isn't it? While Vedanta's mining will get world wide publicity for its impact on Goa, the filth of other culprits will be swept under the carpet and projected as philantrophists. How many of the elite activists will boycott a social function if the mining lobby is present or hosting it? These will be claimed to be two different issues, isn't it? Let us continue to celebrate in a fools paradise called Goa. As the bible says, "How would it benefit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"


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