Wishful thinking I believe........
The US dollar is like a house of cards, with nations around the world each 
contributing a card to this very shaky edifice.  Pull a card out and the whole 
edifice comes crashing down.
It serves the present purpose of countries like China, the Oil producing 
countries and other exportng countries like Japan, Korea and India to prop up 
the dollar so that they can continue to export their goods to what has been 
touted as the world's largest market.
If these card holding countries lost their primary market, their economies in 
turn would be in a spiralling tail spin downwards.  So for now they will 
continue to play pretend, and prop up the US dollar.
Americans on the other hand are living in a dream  world with delusions of 
grandeur, not accepting the fact that other countries are ascendant, and that 
their position as the world's only super power  has long passed them by.  
Americans are now addicted to cheap and sometimes shoddy Chinese goods.  The 
acquisition of junk gives them the impression that as long as they acquire 
stuff, all is well with the world.  The USA no longer produces much of value to 
justify the value of the dollar.  Oil and most other natural resources except 
Coal have been nearly depleted, manufacturing has declined, and the only 
resource America has
to offer is the ubiquitous Services economy which can disappear in a puff of 
The American economy is canibalizing itself to the point that it is full of 
holes like Swiss cheese.  Try and buy anything in the USA and the label will 
say "Made in China, or
Bangladesh or Honduras or Sri Lanka'.  Whereas at one time "Made in the USA" 
had the
cachet of quality, it is hard to find anything truly American.  Food is the one 
commodity that the USA  still produces aplenty, but even that is at the expense 
of over exploitation of the land, and the slow and insidious poisoning of the 
soil with artifical fertilizers and insecticides.  How long can it last ?
As an American myself, I sincerely hope that the US dollar declines to its true 
value, perhaps at about 50 percent of its current world value.  While this 
may not be good for the rest of the world, it will be good for America.  
Initially there will be turmoil in the USA, with
high inflation leading to social unrest and riots. There will be bankruptcies 
aplenty, including personal bankruptcies.  The entire populace of the USA is 
addicted to easy credit.  The only way out is bankruptcy which will run rampant 
through the entire country.  The large segment of so-called under priveleged, 
will lose their freebies and  the country will erupt like the recent UK riots 
but multifold.  The pain will last awhile.  Thre is so much intelligence, 
capability and etrepeunerial  spirit in America that  the country  will rise 
again.  Albeit slowly, the country will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes and 
be  stronger, but it will have to accept the fact that it will no longer be a 
world power that the world has gotten used to rely upon to take care of 
conflicts and famines all over the world.
I cannot wait for that day to come.  God Bless America, Land that I love.
  • ... Vivian A. DSouza
    • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
    • ... Gabe Menezes
    • ... Mervyn Lobo

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