[1]Anil Desai:
1. I would support education in any language including Arabic in our
primary schools and govt grants for it provided there was MONEY IN THE
2. I support the sizeable number of Goan parents who have no affection
for REGIONAL Indian languages to get their children educated in
English primary schools with government grants. I just wish this was
done in a democratic manner.
3. When an organisation called FORCE led by two convicted politicians
were threatening the government, I wonder whether  Soter was asleep!!

[2] Marshall Mendonza:
1. AFAIK there is no extra burden on the exchequer. The konkani medium
schools which were already getting grants will continue getting grants
after swithching over to English medium. Is there a concerted
misinformation/disinformation campaign on?
2. Since when have peaceful protests/ demands become undemocratic?
Perhaps in Anil's lexicon BANDHS and volence unleashed by BBSM are
3. Yet another piece of disinformation/ misinformation. AFAIK, FORCE
was led by parents and not politicians, even though many politicians
of South Goa
showed solidarity. Perhaps Anil will reveal to us who were the FORCE
leaders who were convicted and for what offence and cite the cases.


a: Excellent points by Marshall - especially with regards to 'Money in
the Kitty' and the "democracy" of the BBSM Bandh.

b: Nice 'Bait and Switch' from "Baba, Konkani is our Mother Tongue aka
Matrabhasha - and learning is best in Matrabhasha"  to "Regional
Indian Language" - paving the way for ducking the " In that case, "WHY
Marathi?" question ; even though it must be noted that the presently
enforced Konkani is a rather crude sounding nasal dialect of Marathi.
(No wonder, those Goans could not follow what Uday Bhembre was

c: It is safe to assume that the FORCE folks were NOT bused in with
the help of (GBP) British pounds.

d: Agree with Marshall about the deceptive attempt to appear to be
scholarly and centrist, and yet be involved in mis & disinformation.
Is there a VideoCD about this?

e: Is it being said that Parents have NO right to decide to voice
their opinion about the MOI for their own children?

f: It is probably being said that :"you" must do as "WE" say i.e.
Zhalacch Pahije!


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