Cogress crusade against the crusader of corruption
The politicians are the masters of vilification campaign The have
polished this art of maligning, slandering for their personal survival
using the state machinery ,power and position. To press malicious
charges of corruption against Anna Hazare at this juncture is
motivated by the desire of retaliation of uncomfortable situation. The
Govt had all the time to investigate the so called misuse of Trust
funds This pure panic reaction ,orchestrated by well known cronies of
the Congress. People want to know the legality of crores of
unaccounted money spent by the Legislators and how the Congress
parties coffers are accumulated. Corruption alone is the origin of
this frugal expenditure  The donations are even coerced and forced
Putting restrictions of democratic process by limiting time ,numbers
is unprecedented by the UPA. Surprisingly the BJP and other parties in
the opposition have maintained stoic silence on this undemocratic
stance The right to protest is fundamental and it cannot be fettered
arbitrarily These restrictions will not dampen the resolve the mass
public uprising however subdued by strong arm twisting and draconian
tactics. Anna Hazare has been able to galvanize the people not on any
perceived imagination ,but by rampant, astronomical real  corruption
that is now open and in public domain. There were no untoward
incidents during the last protest by the Gandhian, it was peaceful and
exemplary, then why now is the Govt, apprehensive of worst case
scenario ? If at all any mischief is expected it will be inspired and
instigated by the vested interest. In fact the trouble on peaceful
protest by the Ram Dev and sup[porters was deliberately perpetrated by
the brutal action of the police The investigating this barbaric
incident No matter the devices used by the UPA to suppress legitimate
grievances by giving the artificial  colour of law and order problem.
The people of India have seen through cunning of the UPA to save its
fledgling image at all costs The Govt has not been able to control
monumental Corruption with the normal means at its disposal and hence
the special act can justifiably bring in better compliance The
reluctance of the UPA to accept the fact is not understandable What
prevented the Govt to include the inputs provided by Anna Hazare ? The
issues raised could have been debated and negated in  the Parliament
by its supremacy powers. It is clear there is no open mind to
suggestions even Presently the BJP with no numbers is fighting with
its back to the wall holding Parliamentary proceedings to ransom, as
the UPA refuses to act even with massive proofs. An legislated act of
Lok Pall Bill would have been an answer to enforce the rule of law.
The UPA and the congress is fully disillusioned to think that the
people voice will be muted by these repressive measures. The Congress
is in for a rude shock as when it comes  since its corruption profile
has reached nadir The people will definitely express when it is there
turn and the BJP will not benefit either by its silence against the
assault of Democratic privileges
The vilification campaign to malign the integrity of Anna Hazare will
be counter productive as the Indian masses have more faith in his
ability of selfless sacrifices in the best interests of the Nation
Just see the spontaneous, voluntary identification of the people  with
the cause , so dear to them Anna is the beacon, the shining star and
guiding light on the horizon of intolerable corruption
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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