*The Kingmaker and The King*

If Goa talks about a kingmaker, there is none other than Churchill Alemao.
He’s been the kingmaker in many governments post 1990s and he keeps boasting
of the sacrifices he has made for Goans including giving up on his CM’s
kodel. That’s rubbish isn’t it? The genuine Goans think contrary to that.
The only genuine sacrifice that he has made is sacrificing his daughter’s
claim to YC post by not sticking to his resignation from the assembly and
cabinet portfolios. Today they hold him responsible for the sorry state of
affairs in our state and that’s the price they paid for Churchill’s
irrelevant sacrifices in political life. He sacrificed many political
parties and kept hopping on opportunities of the masses including the
Konkani movement, anti-MOPA and the draconian Goa Regional Plan but
abandoned them after getting elected every time and being submerged in the
ocean of Goa’s politics of greed, plunder and power. However he has managed
to steal and append the word “Man of the Masses’’ for his publicity with the
help of his ever faithful lot who keep glorifying him artificially through
various newspapers and ads even for issues for which he does not deserve
credit. As of today Churchill has no more straightforward answers to
anti-MOPA nor Konkani.

Today Churchill is Goa and Goa is Churchill. Even the BJP and MGP is now
Churchill, as his close supporters now openly acknowledge this fact due to
the BJP’s animosity towards their former comrade and now present CM, Diggu

Hence what the entire Goans see in assembly is just eyewash on issues of
uproar by the BJP on the distribution of free water tanks, oil and rice by
Alemao Clan. This filmy style ‘’tamasha’’ by BJP continues only to floor
their betrayer who left the wilting Lotus in 2005 to embrace the Madam’s
firm ‘’Hand’’ for a Midas touch to his ‘’Suffocating and Ghusmot’’ career
within the RSS oriented eccentric nationalist ‘’Moditva’’ ideology. After
all no one can forget the cozy handshakes and courtesy of Churchill with
Manohar Parrikar flashed on mainly local dailies in July 2007 during the
crisis of G7 and G9. After all BJP is branded opportunist opposition.
Churchill knows the tricks how to use and discard them as a toilet paper as
they have been deemed fit post 2007. Even here he emerged as an undisputed
strongman of Goa after walking away with the prized portfolio of PWD from
the MGP’s Sudhin Dhavilkar. He has proved himself virtually untouchable by
any MLA.  He has managed this far with his arrogance and arm twisting
tactics but now with an organised onslaught he no longer wants to be the
Kingmaker but the “King of Goa”.

But that is not an easy cake-walk for him. Although he has proved to be a
giant killer by defeating his bete-noire Luizinho Faleiro in Navelim, he now
boasts of contesting on the People’s Ticket. If only Churchill had a little
humility and prudence he would have gone to great heights. His biggest
weakness is his social entrepreneur oops! sorry; I mean the highly
publicised social worker and daddys little girl advocate Valanka Alemao
whose popularity has greatly soared among various PWD contractors and road
works and improvement touchups. Even though Valanka is educated she lacks
the charisma and charm to win the people’s mandate and heart. She faltered
and failed in winning her first political election to the post of youth
congress YC. It’s not her fault after all. It is learnt that the Alemao
daughter never harboured a desire to contest the YC elections. She was
focussed on Benaulim constituency. It was the crafty and shrewd miner and
dig-under who enticed Valanka into contesting against Pratima, the spouse of
his political rival, on the assurance that her victory would be ensured. The
brash Alemaos succumbed to the polished Bamon talk and landed up getting
disqualified. The Coutinho couple has been rocket propelled into seventh

The Alemaos have now more political and social rivals in the form of
Sardesais and Coutinhos but read carefully between the lines because I’m
certainly not included in that. So far I’m not been accused or alleged to be
a supporter of Luizinho Faleiro or Vijay Sardessai or  Damu Naik and Mikky
Pacheco. I sincerely don’t wish to rub my shoulders with the Alemao clan
especially that brute and notorious Ciabru unless a custom officer like
Costao or some strong mining authority is willing to be my godfather. I am a
political analyst and have been advising how the Alemaos can act on renewed
strategies to win 2012 with grace. I hope to be rewarded well but presently
I’m not in need of free water tanks and adulterated or unhealthy oil as this
will let down my dignity in the eyes of my family. So as a political
analyst, my political projections for Churchill would be to defeat or
imprison the existing king for gross irregularities and mismanagement or
even cheating and be the new undisputed King and the Kingmaker himself.

The present YC elections have been the greatest setback to the aspiring and
overambitious Kingmaker. ’The arm twisting and resignation tactics failed.  The
Angels and Demons from the Capital Centre stuck to their stand of zero
tolerance towards indiscipline and arrogance. The sword of disqualification
was throttled around the neck of the Save Goa Front episode, and now
Churchill he has been reduced to a silenced man. The kingmaker is now a
disillusioned man and even the CM gave him a cold shoulder during his
resignation episodes of political dramas on the Silver Screens of Goa. He is
apparently scared of the Woman from the ideologically retarded Axis of Evil
namely BBSM who held his representing Navelim constituency to ransom on the
day schools reopened and the man of masses was probably singing Shania
Twain’s hit single “Man I feel like a Woman’’. His silence has also silenced
his supporters in every nook and every corner. The various associations that
publicised and harped on his glory like the Dubai Goans and KGA are nowhere
to be heard anymore. They are defunct and irrelevant now with their leaders
shying away and been ostracised by all. Even the posh beggars (I mean
publicised social workers/ entrepreneurs) and ‘’Bikaris’’ of sponsorships
dependent of the ‘’Brothers’’ for various cultural and publicised Goan
Cultural events held abroad have disassociated from them. Now Churchill’s
own supporters in Navelim and Varca are tired of nibbling or chewing on
peanuts and grass like animals, or for that matter tiny bit of rich pies
while the riches of the Alemaos are highly debated. A hefty life insurance
policy from AIG speaks volumes of one’s person’s wealth. Other rivals like
Micckey and a spent force like Luizinho are capable of enticing the same
supporter to switch sides with more rewards and sweeter pies. Many Goans see
him as a betrayer of the Konkani and anti-MOPA cause and a migrant loving
politician for his love and special privileges extended to the Rahejas and
ilk’s like them.

Hence the kingmaker should now forget the bridges of Galgibag and Sinquetim
and even forget contesting in Navelim or even Benaulim. He should now
contest in Margao Constituency and displace the dark horse of 2007, and
emerge as the real king for as long as the present King rules and lives,
there cannot be another King in Goa. It is now time for the Chruchill to
roll up the sleeves and show his fist to the dig-under and jump on the
bandwagon and lifeline of another Goans cause for as long as this present
king rules, Goa will be dug further and under and everything will be robbed.
The mines will be dug, the roads will be dug in the name of laying power
cables, the graves will be dug for innocent custodial deaths and even the
pockets of Goans will be dug for enriching the legacy of loot and plunder.
It is time to avenge the defeat of the young Alemao at the YC elections by
displacing the King and be crowned as the King of Goa. The Crouching Tiger
has to let out his hidden dragon and prove his mettle.

But that would mean another disaster for ethnic Goans and will Goans accept
the emerging hurricane of the Alemao Clan to wipe them out? For the ethnic
Goans that would have been like just another straw on the camel's back and
eventually it will certainly be the straw that will break the camel's back

Obrigado and God Bless Goans. Viva Goenkarponn.

Rupert Coutinho

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