Gabe Menezes wrote:
With markets in a tizzy put your money in a State owned Indian Bank 
with a yield of 8 percent plus that's in Rupees of course.

Gabe Menezes,
Those with the choice of holding their saving in US dollars or any other 
currency have found out the hard way that holding their savings in US dollars 
actually produces a negative return. That is, inflation in the US is higher 
than what their savings earn in interest. The sad part about this is that for 
the next little while, we are assured that savings in US dollars will continue 
to earn a negative interest.

Indian inflation is appox 8 to10%. Holding your savings in that currency is 
detrimental too. The smarter people, the business ones, those with real money, 
have been moving their money to where the real action is.

The forward looking people, or should I describe them as the really lucky ones, 
are those who took out loans or lines of credit in USD's and converted the cash 
into the local currency in their country of residence. These good people have 
made more on the subsequent depreciation of the USD than they could 
ever dream of. 

Lastly, here is a real interesting chart. 
A real interesting chart.


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