On Mon, 22 Aug 2011 01:28:35 -0700, Freddy Fernandes wrote :
<<<…All said and done the Jan Lokpal looks to be a healthy antidote
for corruption, but what worries me most, is that, almost every public 
institution and
most of the NGO's have been run by our Politicians directly or indirectly
through their corrupt tentacles. The Panchayat Raj, that is the basic local 
body at
the grass root level, which should have been free of politicians and their
political influences, have also been hijacked by out Netas and Babus as their 
personal fiefdoms, so what exactly will stop them from doing the same to the
Lokpal and the Lokayukta ?... Freddy Agnelo Fernandes>>>


COMMENT : Why only the Panchayats? The basic core of the generations to
come is being corrupted by politicians. Their tentacles have reached out to
places where they should be forbidden by LokPal, and that is schools and
Colleges. See what the BBSM is doing, the BJP for its own private ends using
school children, and possibly paying the participants in cash or kind. In the
formative years of the Character of students, politicians and politics should
be kept off. Schools and Colleges should have the authority to discipline
students entertaining politicians. If corruption is to be curbed it has to be
done at the root level and not by just passing Bills. 

The Judiciary is there right from inception of this Republic. How many
people get justice? How many influential criminals escape? Can the Lokpal in
whichever format drafted aid victims of atrocities committed by those in power?
And who says that the Lokpal itself will not be a tool in the hands of
politicians to commit more atrocities?

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


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