*Posted by: "Madhu Chandra" mangaloreancathol...@gmail.com
madhuchandrasingh <http://profiles.yahoo.com/madhuchandrasingh>*

*Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:00 pm (PDT)*

A Question to All NORTH INDIANS who went to support Anna Hazare, "Where was
Anna Hazare, when North Indians were attacked in Maharasthra?"

All India Confederation of SC/ST Organisations question tough 9 question to
Anna Hazare, he must answer. The members of SC/ST Confederation will protest
at India Gate with banners written with these questions at 4 PM and march
toward Parliament.

Anna Hazare must answer to the nation.

1. Isn’t your movement against Ambedkar’s constitution?
2. Are Dalits, OBCs and Minorities not part of Civil Society?
3. You want Lokpal above Constitution, not acceptable?
4. Express your view on reservation for Dalits in Private sectors?
5. Where were you when North Indians were attacked in Maharasthra?
6. All your top leaders are from upper caste. Do you have rooms for Dalits,
OBC and minorities in your movement?
7. Why NGOs, Corporate houses and media are not in Jan Lokpal Bill?
8. Why are you silent about atrocities committed against Muslims by Modi
Govt in Gujarat?
9. Are the “Youth For Equality” people, who campaign Anti-Reservation
movement, not leading your movement?

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 7:07 AM, <so...@bsnl.in> wrote:

> So finally the opportunistic Anna Hazare has put his own foot in the mouth.
> The PM has done the right thing to get all drafts for consideration before
> Parliament. Now Anna is nervous and the larger agenda of the jaundiced
> forces has been neutralised.
> Abuse of anything is bad and now contempt for Anna is not far away from the
> same public. Palm sunday will turn to Good Friday shortly.
> Rumaours of Bharat bandh on 30th Aug which is made to coincide with Id is
> enough proof of the hands behind the stage.
> -Soter

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