Train to Valankani
It is a big relief to the faithful , who undertake this arduous
pilgrimage with hope, trust and convictions of their journey It was
real penance to reach the  destination of spiritual significance The
train has finally arrived due to divine providence  , as the events
unfold with no explanation and motivation over many years Every one
who matters , over the period have made efforts in this directions,
but now selectively , individuals take credit by appearing at public
inauguration and flagging of the train It is in public knowledge, as
to who is the real motivating force, to fulfill the long pressing need
and who did not appropriate any honour to take political mileage The
record of performance of some M.P.`s requires no documentation as to
their concerns of people translated into reality.
All over India people have supported wholeheartedly supported the
movement of Anna against corruption As it is rightly said each one of
us must practice this virtue sincerely. The attempts to route out
corruption cannot be eradicated with legislation and difficulty of
application The fountain heads of all corrupt practices are the
legislators in ll spheres of our living existence The expenditure on
election is controlled, but wooing the electorate is going round the
year,. Is there any investigation, check on how and from which
resources the M.L.A`s regularly and on festive occasion distribute
various items and cash .Are there any verifiable records of accounts ?
Are those accepting it contribute towards corruption ? Now the train
to Valankani is a God sent opportunity to be encashed with potential
dividends at the impending elections It is believed  even as a strong
credible rumour. that ML.A.`s have each spent 12/7/,28 lakhs to
sponsor the ticket of the faithful, besides a fleet of buses to the
destination It is inconceivable that these individuals will not be
morally obliged to pay back by their votes and is not a strategy
exploiting religious sentiments to bind to their commitments  without
open requests? It is like manna from heaven raining down on the
devotees to Valankani
 We would instead request a direct train to Divine Retreat Centre,,
which demand is long pending and in spite of vigorous efforts by a few
 . The people undertake a more torturous journey to heal themselves at
the DRC and undergo reformation and become renewed and changed persons
giving up undesirable habits of

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