We should take the contractor  to task , which company was given the contract 
to undertake this Job and how much was paid and why the construction has been 
so sub-standard , when did the construction commence what was the guarantee of 
the works by the contractor .did it mean one heavy rain and then we have 
ditches....and many many more questions come to light......and this is when 
Goans should unite for a genuine cause ....this is when we should unite to 
ensure the crooks who did this job should be made to compensate or pay back 
after all it is the taxpayers money.....Do we have to wait for Anna or can 
Goan's take up this cause ..?

I am sure all the cars belonging to Govt of Goa use the same road too so why 
not question the Transport Minister and finally if he does not have answers 
then let the CM reply!
--- On Thu, 1/9/11, Freddy Fernandes <ffernandes....@emaar.ae> wrote:

> From: Freddy Fernandes <ffernandes....@emaar.ae>
> Subject: [Goanet] Potholes And Bad Roads
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Date: Thursday, 1 September, 2011, 12:39 PM
> Potholes And Bad Roads
> I was not at shocked at all, with the repulsive photographs
> of the potholes and
> the pathetic condition of the roads in and around the
> Capital City of Goa, in
> some of the news papers a few days ago. This appalling
> condition of the roads in
> Goa especially during the monsoons is not a new occurrence,
> this has been going
> on for a long long time but it's been only more prominent
> in the past decade.
> During the last couple of years I have been regular visitor
> to Goa during the
> months of April-May and every time I go down, I am amused
> to see most of the
> roads in south Goa being hot-mixed during that period and
> it makes me wonder
> about the policy of the government or the wisdom of the PWD
> to waste such huge
> amounts of tax payers money on this yearly exercise, as
> within a month or two
> these roads get washed out, creating craters large enough
> for buffalos to rest
> in.
> After all the exercise and the expense, the public should
> get at least 8-10
> months of good roads to travel on, if not throughout the
> year. Every one knows
> that Goa is bless with more than average rainfall compared
> to the rest of India
> and that is pretty heavy by any standards and since the
> sub-standard quality of
> our roads do not remain intact during the rainy season, we
> get good roads for
> just a month or two, so what is the intelligence of
> hot-mixing roads just before
> the rains ? Why not start hot-mixing roads soon after the
> monsoons so that
> people get good roads for the major part of the year ? 
> The atrocious quality of the road works in Goa, is a
> testimony by it's self,
> that there is no implementation of any quality standards at
> all. As noticed in
> the photographs, the aggregate used in the tar to reinforce
> the tarmac gets
> easily disintegrated thereby facilitating potholes. It is
> the simple logic, that
> the quality and the durability of roads is directly
> proportional to the
> materials used and the compaction of the road, that our
> esteemed authorities
> seem to conveniently forget, that leads to the pathetic
> state of our roads in
> Goa.
> There is yet another dangerous factor that leads to a
> number of accidents
> involving two wheelers. With yearly hot-mixing of the road,
> the thickness of the
> tarmac increases and since about a meter or so, on either
> side of the tarred
> road is left out without tar, it become very much uneven in
> height at the edge
> of the tarred portion of the road and hence becomes
> increasingly dangerous for
> motorcyclists to maneuver their bikes when buses and trucks
> ferociously speed
> past them, sometimes causing fatal accidents. So, why is
> that small portion of
> the road not tarred ? When tenders are put out for
> construction of roads does it
> not included the entire width of the road ? If not, why ?
> If yes, why is that
> portion not tarred ? 
> Most of our Ministers and especially our PWD minister, have
> been making regular
> jaunts to foreign lands, do they not see the quality of
> roads and other aspects
> of quality of life out there ? Or are they only interested
> in carrying foreign
> exchange to convert black into white and be chief guests at
> cultural functions ?
> The Biblical expression of "having eyes but do not see" is
> so very relevant to
> our corrupt, egoistic and self-centered politicians, what
> they live for is just
> inflating their own fortunes, rest is irrelevant or
> immaterial to them, and the
> sooner we Goans accept this fact the better it will be.
> Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
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