>From Alvito Coutinho.

Melbourne Goans were in the forefront when they celebrated the World Goa Day
on Saturday the 20th August.  Once again the Goan Association of Australia
produced an invigorating show to the delight of an exuberant crowd of Goans
and guests in support of World Goa Day which has taken off as a global
celebration.  And they were not disappointed as the program was devised to
please everyone, the young, the old, and the boisterous to enjoy rich Goan
culture, cuisine and above all Konkani folk songs while they enjoyed the
rest of the evening dancing to the tunes of Coda Mix led by Gladstone.  

The turning point came when the celebrity guest, Josefato Vales (who was
specially flown in from Adelaide for the occasion), ably supported by John
Fernandes gave a spectacular performance.  He received a rousing reception
and rounds of applause in appreciation.  He entertained the crowd with Goan
folk songs with one special song composed by him for 'World Goa Day'.  Here
are a few lines of his song, which was well received:

Hooray, hooray, hooray, hooray,

Come join and sing with us on 'World Goa Day'.

World Goa Day mhunn hangasor muzgu vazota,

Melbourne xharant amchem Goem gazota.

Goenchea gorom masaleacho pormoll re eta,

Pordhea fattlean randnicher 'sorpotel' xizota.

Maddam fenni, kazu fenni, ghontt zai disota,

Anvddo passun giulear, tallier jib re nisorta

The crowd spontaneously participated in the song, wanting more of it ..
finally when it did come to an end he received a standing ovation with a
thunderous applause.  But the night was not over yet as "Silver Platter'
dished out a sumptuous dinner buffet of Sorpotel, roast beef, xacuti to name
a few.

Coda Mix performed brilliantly keeping the crowd on their feet specially the
young ones till the early hours of the morning.

The Association wishes to express thanks to the donors of prizes, namely Dr.
Harry Sewgoolam, Dr. Ian D'Cruz and  Ms Salome Rapson.  


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