Feast of our lady of Mount
The feast of  Patron saint of Chichinim Church is actually on 8 September
Some original documents show the Patron was named as Mount Mary and it
continued for years before this change Though there are directions and
church decisions, suggestions  that feast be celebrated on the exact date,
it is celebrated on a Sunday Now there are no Presidents, from among the
members of Fabrica to celebrate the feast It was their privilege, honour and
prerogative to host this celebrations There were some, who for financial
implications politely, refused to be the Presidents It is for these
reasons predominantly, parishioners shied away from enrolling as Members of
Confrarias Though this has not fueled the membership, there is certainly
increase i women members . In such times, there were any number of Villagers
and faithful devotees volunteering to do the honours It was assumed that
publicity was the main motive, even though the financial burden to out do
others was not ruled out entirely On the directive suggestions of Synod, the
celebration is now a village affairs There is a sense of belonging for all
the parishioners by their contributions, and participation From early
compulsory donations the stage is reached for voluntary contributions Every
year there is overflow of money, which is enough to stage the feast for many
times over , But the appetite to continuously to gather surplus beyond
immediate requirement is not understandable In fact there is rightful
request for the  transparency of details of expenditure,income and pointed
 reference to the higher  authorities For many years in the past these
details were published in the Parish bulletin for the information of the
parishioners This practice is discontinued arrogantly, defiantly in recent
times, much against the wishes of the donors. The much talked about fierce
objections of air, sound pollution is not enforced any longer and there is
pleasurable fire works display, the most polluting source. The request to
limit the fair in Fabrica property to 3 days is not considered seriously as
yet,and which was the norm in the past, The area is littered with filth for
days, even after collecting a fee and the plastic waste is then burnt,
ignoring the hazards of emissions of dangerous toxins. The multitudes of
traders, who reside in the area defecate in the open causing unbearable
stink and health hazard The arrangement of portable toilets is implemented
by default, sighting expenses as the impediment Income considerations ride
above public welfare The stiff charges are actually passed on the customers
The market for furniture is  being discontinued due to adamant and
unreasonable attitudes of the vendors and lack of adjustment and flexibility
of those that matter
The village feast being first after monsoons, draws crowds and devotees,form
as far as from Cuncolim Assolna Orlim Cavelossim Varca. Betul, Navelim  with
resources plenty, the erection of Pandal, CCTV  relays on all sides, the
faithful are more comfortably accommodated at  ease and peacefully
participate in the religious  services The church square. and surroundings
on all sides., the school compound are kept free for parking and
disturbances of amplified music and cacophony of wooing by the  traders are
kept at bay.The newly developed Market Complex and specially the
area outside should not have been utilised for commercial purpose, but to
ease the parking problems
The spiritual preparation of the villagers and all religious services are
well planned The Parish youth do a commendable ,praise worthy and yeomen
service in orderly regulating the parking lot . The evenings are a happy
outing for the families, visitors and guests, with fun and activities now
spreading at nights past 9.p.m The fair being on the main arterial road
Betul Chinchinim, inconveneience to the travelers is taken with the good
spirit, traffick police easing the bootlenecks Happy feast to all our
Chinchinim folks spread far and wide Hope it will revive pleasant memories
of the feast and keep you connected and interested
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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