Portugal is race blind, but not for the right reasons

Some would like to think race
is not an issue in Portugal,
but by failing to collect data
we are burying our heads in the

Joana Gorjão Henriques
guardian.co.uk,  Monday 12 September 2011 11.30 BST

A number of English-language news outlets have recently
highlighted the "reversal of traditional migration patterns"
between Portugal and its former colonies such as Angola and

What they miss is that migration to Portuguese-speaking
Africa is hardly a new trend.  Over the past few years, these
countries have witnessed a significant surge in Portuguese
arrivals, with the inflow of remittances from Africa rising
sharply.  According to the economist and now minister of
economy Álvaro Santos Pereira, it increased 254-fold between
1996 and 2009.

          Angola is now one of the favourite destinations for
          Portuguese migrants: about 100,000 Portuguese live
          there, whereas in Mozambique the estimates point to
          20,000.  In both cases the trend is the same:
          officially, there are now more Portuguese living in
          those countries than Angolans and Mozambicans
          living in Portugal (about 26,000 and 3,000
          respectively).  The trend can also be explained by
          the increase of Portuguese investment in these
          countries.  Angola, for one, is the main importer
          of Portuguese products outside Europe.

In Portugal, the mainstream media has reported the new
migration wave as a kind of new El Dorado.  In glossy
magazines, successful migrants are pictured wandering around
big villas, bossing around teams of servants.  But,
particularly in the Angola case, there's another part of the
picture that you'll only get if you chat with some of the
Portuguese who flee there to live in a non-democratic country
which now dictates economic rules to its former colonisers.
The reversal of power relations between the former colonised
and former colonisers may finally force Portugal to confront
the issue of race.

This represent a considerable cultural shift. For years,
modern Portugal has been struggling to find a way of talking
about national identity and race.  Even though Portugal has
racial profiling, race crime and the daily subordination of
black people by whites, most Portuguese would deny that their
country has significant "racial problems" -- that's what they
have in America, France or the UK.

Such attitudes are a hangover from the dictatorship years and
the "luso-tropicalism" ideology created by the Brazilian
Gilberto Freyre in the 1950s, which spread the idea that the
Portuguese were better colonisers -- and that ongoing British
or French soul-searching over race was a result of "bad

          Unlike America, Portugal has never got its head
          around hyphenated identities.  There are
          luso-africanos, but you'd be pushed to hear anyone
          use that compound on the street, and it's even
          controversial in an institutional context.  The
          term "black-Portuguese" is unheard of; the word
          "race" itself so rarely mentioned that it sounds
          strange and foreign.  The terms you do hear people
          use are "second-generation immigrants",
          "immigrants' offspring" or, with cosmopolitan
          pretension, "new Portuguese".  It sends out a clear
          message to non-white Portuguese: however hard you
          try, you'll always be newbies in this country
          (conveniently ignoring the fact that a black
          presence in Portugal dates back to the 15th

There are ideological reasons behind this attitude too. Some
argue that identifying people by their race is
discriminatory.  There seems to be a similar logic behind the
fact that Portuguese authorities keep no data on ethnicity or

Take the recently released census data, which confidently
predicts the population is now heading for more than 10
million, but remains completely race blind.  Unofficial
figures are contradictory and unreliable.  (There could be
300,000 black Portuguese, I was told a year ago by one
researcher.  Another said there were 500,000.  Another
thought the number was much higher.)

You might argue that none of this should matter, of course.
And yet, without appropriate data, can you honestly argue
that the lack of social mobility in poorer communities has
more to do with class than race, as some argue?  Ignoring
race completely means burying your head in the sand, and
accepting Portugal as a country that is uniformly white.  We
are race blind, but not for the right reasons.

The recently appointed prime minister, the conservative Pedro
Passos Coelho, is married to a black woman. In contemporary
Portuguese politics, this is still a novelty. Will that make
him more sensitive to questions around race? Will it make us
talk more openly about race? Until now, nothing on his agenda
makes us think so.


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