Writer and Professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL), also
known for several research works on comic strips, caricatures and
illustrations, Rui Zink, will be in Goa on the 17th of September, after
visiting to New Delhi and Kolkata. Here he will participate in various
activities organized by the CLP/Instituto Camões.

This Saturday, he will attend the screening of the film «Aniki-Bobó»
at 3.00 pm at the CLP/Instituto Camões in Panjim, where he will have
the opportunity to interact with the students of Portuguese, heading
later to the Broadway Book Centre where he will deliver a talk on «The
Dance of Literature» at  6.00 pm, event organized by the Goa Book Club
in collaboration with CLP/Instituto Camões.

Rui Barreira Zink was born in Lisbon on 16th June, 1961. He graduated in
Portuguese Studies from the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL), where he completed his
post-graduation and doctorate and later became Professor of Portuguese
Literature there.

Following his stay in the USA in 1990, where he was Lecturer of
the Portuguese Language at the University of Michigan, he returned to
Portugal to be the first to introduce the courses on Creative
Writing in his country, which continued for the next five years. He
also contributed various written texts for Café-Concerto, having
collaborated in satirical characters of radio and television
programs («Cantigas de Mal Dizer» and «Noites da Má Língua» in SIC,
during 90’s), besides having to his credit several translations.

In 1987, he commenced work as a fiction-writer with the publication of
Hotel Lusitano, having penned several books until 1996 - the year of
the release of the romance «Apocalipse Nau», which was well-accepted
by the critics. Over the time, his writing diversified with books of
short-stories «A Realidade Agora a Cores», in 1988 and
«Homens-Aranhas», in 1994; «O Bicho da Escrita»; the novel «A Espera»,
in 1998 or the romances «O Suplente», in 2000, and «Os Surfistas», in
2001. This last title happened to be the first interactive romance
presented in Portugal. He also wrote children books, «O Bebé Que...
Não Gostava de Televisão» and «O Bebé Que... Não Sabia Quem Era», for
Dom Quixote Publications, in 2002, with Manuel João Ramos. Apart from
that, under the banner of same Publication in the same year, he
contributed in the story book «Vésperas de Natal» along with Helena
Marques, Inês Pedrosa, José Eduardo Agualusa, José Riço Direitinho,
Lídia Jorge, Luís Cardoso, Manuel Alegre e Mário Cláudio.

His doctorate thesis, done at the FCSH-UNL, describes
«Portuguese band between 1968 and 1994», was completed in 1998 under
the guidance of Prof. Dr. Arnaldo Saraiva, from University of Porto.

He made his debut in the world of Opera with the libretto «Os
Fugitivos», which was presented in March 2004 at the Teatro da
Trindade in Lisbon, with musical composition by José Eduardo Rocha.

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