PublishingNext, the Indian publishing conference, will 'get people
thinking about what the future holds for publishing'

Exclusive chat with Leonard Fernandes, founder of CinnamonTeal
Publishing, organizer the conference in Goa on September 16 and 17

Leonard Fernandes cofounded CinnamonTeal Publishing with his wife
Queenie. CinnamonTeal won the British Council’s Young Creative
Entrepreneur Award for publishing in 2010. Read his interview here.

On September 16 and 17, CinnamonTeal is hosting PublishingNext, a
conference that will debate what future holds for publishing given
rapid changes taking place in technology and the way books are
published, read or delivered. New business models might emerge that
are entirely different from the traditional publishing models in use
today. Read agenda here. The discussions include digital books, social
media’s impact on publishing, copyright issues, translation in
publishing, publishing houses of the future, in addition to some
workshops including the one on academic writing.

Leonard Fernandes, founder of CinnamonTeal Publishing, explains to
YourStory’s chief evangelist what PublishingNext is all about. For
registrations, see home page of PublishingNext website.

YourStory: Thank you Leonard for talking to YourStory on
PublishingNext. For our readers to get an idea of what you do, can you
please give a brief introduction about CinnamonTeal Publishing.

Leonard: We started CinnamonTeal in 2007 after heeding requests to
publish the books of some of our regulars on, our
online bookstore. Since India had already so many publishers, we
wanted to develop a new model of publishing and so adopted that of
being a provider of self-publishing services. Today, 4 years later, we
have catered to authors in about 18 countries and have published books
in 9 languages. We have also increased our repertoire of services to
include translations, indexing, ebook development and distribution and
audio books.

YourStory: PublishingNext is perhaps the first Indian conference on
what publishing is and is going to be, especially with Internet and
digital media set to change the rules of the game. Can you explain the
objectives of the conference?

Leonard: Our objective was to get people thinking about what the
future holds for publishing rather than get lost in the day to day
routine of publishing and mind little about the dangers and potential
the next wave of technology and business models bring about. We also
wanted to provide a platform where new ideas and technologies could be
talked about and debated.

YourStory: Let’s now talk about specific segments: digital books. Can
you give us an idea about their uptake in India at present?

Leonard: My personal opinion is that many publishers are experimenting
with new ideas that involve digital content, among them Penguin,
Panther Books and Tulika Publishers, Chennai, to name a few. However,
I feel that these publishers are preparing themselves for any future
demand rather than experiencing any significant returns on investment

YourStory: Social media — your take on its impact on publishing.

Leonard: This varies widely between publishers. Some like Tulika
(Chennai), Tara Books and Pratham Books are doing a really good job
with it, others have a difficult time understanding what it is capable
of doing for them. So there still remains a lot of ground to be

YourStory: India is a diverse market as far as vernacular publishing
or regional publishing is concerned. How is this market going to
explode in the future in the digital era.

Leonard: I think the constraints that keep publishers of Indian
language books from embracing digital content is technical – an
absence of fonts that can be rendered on devices and devices
themselves that do not or cannot display Indic fonts. There might also
be financial constraints in that readers might not be able to afford
eReaders but that is pure conjecture and I have no evidence to support

YourStory: Copyright issues and proliferation of books on the
pavement. Or is it more to it?

Leonard: It is more than just books on the pavement. I am not sure
publishers are too bothered about it because it only goes to show that
the book is popular enough to be pirated. Like imitation is the best
form of flattery. But there is more to this topic like parallel
import, the concept of territorial sales, the use of open access
knowledge itself. Still very fuzzy to many and needs clarity.

YourStory: Your thoughts on the recent trends in publishing.

Leonard: There is so much going on. And each move seems like a small
step in countering each issue. Like Penguin which has moved into
retail to counter the problem of inefficient supply chain mechanisms.
Worldwide too there is a lot happening that will ultimately affect
India. Like the issue of agency pricing.

YourStory: Who are your partners for the conference?

Leonard: British Council has helped us a lot in its capacity as
Knowledge Partner and has ensured that this conference has assumed an
international nature in its very first edition. The International
Centre Goa has been an accommodating host in more ways than one and
Print Week and Business Goa have both given us significant press
coverage. was the first to partner with us and break the
news of the conference.

YourStory: What is going to be the takeaway for participants?

Leonard: I think participants will go back a lot less nonchalant about
the future than they are. That said, they will also see a lot of
opportunity to expand both boundaries and businesses.

YourStory: A bit about Goa.

Leonard: Where do I start? [Leonard is a native of Goa and very
attached to the place.]

Thank you Leonard for taking off your time for this conversation.
YourStory will bring more updates on the conference in the coming days
and also coverage of the conference and is the online
media partner for the conference.

* * *
publishing next, a conference on future of publishing, to be held on
September 16 and 17 in Goa

Leonard Fernandes, Cofounder, CinnamonTeal Publishing: Winner of
British Council Young Creative Entrepreneur Award 2010 in Publishing

Ganesh Ram, MobileVeda: Enabling Mobile Publishing in Indian Languages

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