It shouldn't pay to pay bribes
Corruption cannot be eliminated. Human beings are not always given to ethical 
behaviour. If it suits me, if it benefits me, i will on occasion submit to the 
temptation of being a bribe-giver or a bribe-taker. If i am clever, i will 
create situations where i can rationalise my acts and convince myself that i am 
not really corrupt. 

When a pharmaceutical company organises a cruise holiday for doctors, one can 
always rationalise it saying that it is an "education tour" by arranging for a 
few inconsequential lectures during the cruise. The doctor who goes can 
rationalise it saying he is really not "influenced" by the freebie and, of 
course, with the perennial argument that "everyone else does it", he "would be 
a fool not to". 

I am deliberately using doctors as an example. They are a widely respected 
group, unlike politicians who are the targets of our customary collective 
wrath. The point that needs to be empha-tically made is that corruption is not 
confined to politicians or bureaucrats. Over centuries, we have lived and still 
live with the hope that the strong professional ethics of the medical 
fraternity backed by their Hippocratic oath will minimise the baneful 
consequences of their subversion. 

No one can dispute that there is some (if not a lot) of corruption in the 
"purchase and procurement" department of every company in the private sector. 
Corruption is not the prerogative of the state sector. The only thing is that 
the costs of private sector corruption are borne by shareholders whereas all 
citizens bear the costs of corruption in government. Shareholders have been 
grappling with the problem of how to set up structures and incentive contracts 
to minimise corruption levels in companies which they invest in. This is the 
famous "agency problem" and attendant solutions which stalwarts of the past 
like Adam Smith and more recent scholars like Stigler, Jensen and Meckling have 
written about. 

>From the perspective of the private sector, government corruption leads to 
>increase in transaction costs. It leads to crony capitalists getting an upper 
>hand over genuine productive entrepreneurs, and is inimical both to economic 
>growth and social mobility. Corporate India collectively (with the exception 
>of crony capitalists, needless to say) therefore has a vested interest in 
>reducing government corruption. The paradox is that no single company has such 
>an incentive because it does not help one firm if it avoids corruption while 
>its competitors do not. The rhetorical solution "do not pay bribes" simply 
>will not and does not work as long as "it pays to pay bribes". 

The solution has therefore to be a systemic one. The simpler the rules, the 
lower the role of discretion, the more transparent and open the processes, the 
higher the government official`s salary, the greater the probability of being 
shamed, the lower the probability of being able to hang on to wealth generated 
through corruption - the lower the overall government corruption. The first 
systemic change is to publish all rules clearly, openly and transparently while 
doing away with the insidious requirement of "prior approvals". 

If i am following all the rules, why do i require prior permission for any 
activity from a government functionary? The corollary to that is that if i 
break rules, the fine imposed should be sufficient penalty to incentivise me 
not to break them. I mention "fines" which are a civil penalty quite 
deliberately, because in civil procedures (e.g. income tax) preponderance of 
evidence is sufficient. We do not need to prove things "beyond all reasonable 
doubt" as in criminal proceedings. 

As an example, if rules regarding environmental pollution are published, then a 
factory should not need prior permission from any government department or 
agency to get started. If the factory breaks the rules, the government agency 
should be in a position to impose a penalty that exceeds the profits derived 
from breaking the rules through a simple civil procedure which can then be 
appealed in efficient tribunals. If a company is supposed to install an 
effluent treatment plant and does not do so, fine the company promptly; do not 
waste time and effort in trying to send the chairman to jail. 

Such procedures will be faster, more efficient and therefore more effective 
than thousand-page criminal charges which rarely result in convictions. This 
one change in government practice will result not only in enormous reduction in 
corruption, but would provide for increased economic growth and easier entry 
and operation for genuine entrepreneurs as against crony capitalists. 

We have inherited from our former colonial masters an edifice of "prior 
approvals" required from the state for too many economic activities. We are 
also burdened with a tradition of opaque rules with the caveat that 
"notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the 
collector/commissioner/secretary/minister can provide an approval if hea¦thinks 
it proper". And there`s the rub! Opacity and discretion! Our erstwhile rulers 
found it a useful tool to `control` us and to make sure their favourites 
(usually British companies) got the coveted approvals. It is high time we as 
free citizens change the system. Otherwise we will be doomed to low growth, 
increasing inequity that favours crony capitalists and endless moral corrosion 
of our society. 

The writer is an entrepreneur.

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