In a second time in a week China has issued a second warning and it is a
serious matter It wants India not to prospect for oil in south China sea The
permission for the same is with agreement with Vietnam India has not
transgressed any International law or maritime lawThere appears to be a
dispute between Vietnam,Philipines and China The energy  and control of
maritime interests are the  driving  force behind the warnings.Whether this
is saber rattling or mere posturing, it is to be seen The tough and measured
response of India is to be watched China is needling India regarding border
issues in the North East on settled  occupation and laying a false claims
Talks going on  for ages have not resolved any satisfactory outcome.and
according to the Chinese are disputed territories Confrontations are
not preferred to negotiations and both countries must strictly follow
International standards
On the other hand P.O Kashmir according to the Chinese is not  a disputed
territory and it is constructing roads , tunnels ,railway lines. It is fully
aware about our concerns and position These are double standards of the
dragon,because it suits their plans The USA hidden plans of free movement
into Afghanistan is an enigma wrapped in mystery India may not be able to
take on two powerful Nations simultaneously  The strategic significance on
our borders is a serious matter and yet we mildly protest and pretend that
it is not an issue China is taking serious umbrage of our legal engagement
in Vietnam ,South China sea as it is disputed, but merrily conducting
activities in P.O. Kashmir a disputed area in spite of knowing our
India has once again granted most favoured Nation facility in trade. India
has a large difference in trade balance in favour of China but that has
not deterred our policy makers. The dumping of substandard or rejected goods
in Indian market. This in turn is destroying and shutting down our own
Indian Industries and creating unemployment
nelsonlpes Chinchinim

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