I met Di  <vulp...@gmail.com>  when she was in Goa, and she traces her
roots to this region. Interesting ideas... FN


About this project

We want to create a simple, useful guide that allows groups of people
to integrate their ideas and fully harness the potential of human
collaboration: a MindMap.We know that collective can be greater than
what any single person can achieve. But we also know that all too
often, human potential and innovation gets squashed when people come
together.  Hierarchy emerges, process is ignored and ideas are
suppressed.  Think of those meetings and projects where some voices
are heard over others. Or meetings that don't inspire us to dedicate
ourselves fully because we don't feel like the project is ours.
We will create a tool that allows people in any context (schools,
non-profits, NGO's, government, science labs, business) to really put
their minds together.
What will it look like?  A poster!  Made of paper!  Although we're
well versed in sophisticated software that allows for collaboration
(and will be using it in our process) our goal is to create a MindMap
that is as powerful as it is simple.  Something that can be used in
any context--from a boardroom to a classroom--and can act as a
template for face-to-face as well as virtual interactions.

We are an interdisciplinary collective of facilitators. We all come
from and work with very diverse groups. We work with kids, public
administration, business people, academics, communities, artists,
collectives, youngsters, activists and NGOs and with all sorts of
teams.  At the core of our philosophy is 'care for process.' We draw
knowledge and inspiration from our study of wiki systems (our group
first met at WikiSym2010) and 4th Wave Feminism, a a feminism that
empowers and inspires inclusion and appreciation of diversity;
understands that participation is political and that the way we
construct communication influences decision-making processes.

We have spent a year collaborating electronically and explored the
subjects of care, work, process, feminism, empowerment, recognition,
collectives, companies, instituitions, groups, societies and the world
at large. We talked to female leaders, male carers, friends, lovers,
and people who explored and lived these themes with us. We presented
at activist and academic settings, we wrote poems, we conducted
trainings, we skyped and dreamt. We met once all together face-to-face
and produced a book: http://www.booki.cc/careforprocess.

Now, we want to turn that book into a MindMap that the world can use.
To do this, we need your help.  Take a step towards setting the
process in motion and contribute whatever you can.

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490
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