On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 13:37:40 -0700, Andrea Pereira, wrote:
<<<Wendell, I was just getting ready for dinner. I switched on the
news and see a live telecast on Goa and mining. And now i cant seem to eat. I
watched the chief minister talk the usual bullshit (after all he and the mining
go hand in hand- I wouldn't expect anything better from him!) and was looking
forward to you counteracting the argument. But i am highly disappointed- angry
actually. You went on saying that mining is not the problem but illegal mining
is something you don't support, and that mining is good for Goa. Wendell, legal
or illegal the mining has got to stop! Unless one compromises on rape. You
disappoint me! In sadness, Andrea Pereira>>>


COMMENT : Wendell, why only mining is good for Goa? Have you not seen
that development, mega-constructions, deforestation, concrete jungles, maze of
roadways crisscrossing all over Goa, Vasco-Dona Paula sea link, Sky Bus, Mono
rail, etc. all are good for Goa? And may we know in what way each of these is
good for Goa if not for a selected bunch to fill their coffers at the cost or
the future of Goa and its inhabitants. And does Wendell want to hint at the
Chief Minister to make all illegal mining legal so to propagate that there will
be no further problems? As in the Cidade case? Why do people who are not
thoroughly aware of the subject agree to interviews? Or was this whole episode
another Hazare media engineered reality show?

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 


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