What have I done to you? 

Yes, what have I done to you to deserve this..?

OK, what do Photojournalists & JoeGoaUk have in common?

I am sure you all know, JoeGoaUk is also a sort of photojournalist in his own 
The real difference is, his is not a profession or he is not doing it for his 
living  or for money or
for that matter, not for fame nor there is  any motive behind it or if there is 
one then it must be ‘his hobby’.

Few weeks ago, I sent a post thanking every one re: Thank you ( life is too 
Also copied to GT/H

See it here 

Something very disgusting has happened recently that really torturing JoeGoaUk 

A photograph  with encircled subject (see proof) under title ‘Who is this?’ 
making round on the

A photojournalist of local English daily uploaded /sent to many plus sent to a 
group having 
over 1,000 members. 
Almost, instantly, there appeared a comment indentifying the person , followed 
by another person, 
very quickly, confirming the same. 

In order not to give wrong impression, I immediately wrote to the commentators 
via pvt message 
to kindly take down the comments  (see proof) which they did later on.

I  also sent similar messages to the uploader, the PhotoJournalist (PJ), at 
three different times
(see proof) between 9am-4pm. but photo still remains. 
Next day, the same PJ,  after  reading and ignoring my requests, posted his 
comment answering his own question 
(i.e. naming the person) – See proof
He did not even bother to reply any of my  3 messages, in one, I asked him 
‘Why?’ (he is
doing this to me). 

The few comments exchanged –see proof.  In one of his comments, he says that 
he appreciates JoeGoaUk’s talented work he does for Goa. 

What type of appreciation is this,  adding  fuel to the already existing fire 
lighted by himself, even after
he was told to remove it? Is this an appreciation or Jealousy? Or something 
else to it. 
Perhaps, this was done for money as the same cannot be ruled out after reading 
drug peddler-press/media nexus.

I am Photojournalist, he is also a photojournalist, so what is this?  ‘Bikareak 
nosai Bikareachi’?

I really thought most PJs know who I am and that they as gentlemen, respect my 
as I was doing my work right under their noses.

Yes, i consider myself a photojournalist and hence most things that affect 
photojournalist also affect me. 
E.g. the recent assault on a photojournalist by a migrant veg. Vendor at Panjim 
I went 3 times to capture the vendor but I was not successful he was never 
there but did capture 
whatever I could.
I did not stop there, went to Panjim Police Station twice to chase this case 
both time 
I was told they are investigating and  whether the case is closed or settled 
out of court only the Police and the PJAG know.
Since they made it a ‘news’ on assault, I feel they should also update us on it.

Now, some of you  may say it might be due to some personal problems between us 
or due to some previous enmity etc.
I swear, I don’t know this guy, never even  said hello to him nor I say hello 
to anyone even if I wanted to.
Nor, this guy is on my 749  FB fan list (I say Fans because I don’t add or 
request any friends, for i don't want to 
give impression that I am a spammer)), there are some other PJs fans in the 
list though

The cybercrime - 

We were discussing this matter very seriously yesterday at a city restaurant
Just because they work for local daily they should not treat themselves as 
If they don’t understand the ethics, then who else will? 
Damage is done, only wearer knows where the shoe bites.

It’s a ploy to finish JoeGoaUk, that’s for sure. Or else, what else it could 

I was also shocked to see some of my own FB fans stabbing me behind my back.
They even exchanged  with others the Pvt. Message I sent to them – see proof. 
Re. ‘Exposing’
The two quoted to explain the 'exposure' part in one comment.
The two who clicked ‘likes’ are the people themselves who appear there.
Theirs and some NRIs involment cannot be ruled out.
It appear that the whole thing is a well organised plan.

Jealous, yes they are jealous and why shouldn’t  they? We are all Goans, aren’t 
‘Kunattponn’ is part of ‘Goemkarponn’ and we all know that.

I tell you all this otherwise you will never know the problems or situation I 
You are the only persons I talked to on the net  and I have  been talking to 
you for the last 8 years or so

Thank you for reading, thanks for your time.
Sorry, if I am wrong anywhere.

Here is something to cheer you up..

Your favourite Fish curry rice with ‘Visnna post’ King fish

and my favourite Plain fried ‘Sungttam’ Prawns


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