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Arun Ferreira being victimized
Anahita Mukherji, TNN Oct 12, 2011, 02.13AM IST

MUMBAI: St Xavier's College, a Jesuit institution with a strong culture of
social justice, has come out in support of Arun Ferreira, an alumnus of the
college who passed out from the institution in the 1990s, and has been in
jail since 2007 on charges of being a Naxalite.

A fortnight ago, Ferreira, who was acquitted of all charges, was suddenly
˜abducted from outside Nagpur's Central Jail and rearrested on a fresh set
of charges.

Fr Frazer Mascarenhas, the college principal, has written to his students
and the alumni, encouraging them to sign a petition in support of Ferreira.
The online petition, which seeks chief minister Prithviraj Chavan's
intervention, was created by Fr Cedric Prakash, also an alumnus of the

Ferreira seems to be just one of the human rights defenders who are being
treated cruelly for daring to protest on behalf of innocent tribals and
dalits who are being exploited, said Fr Mascarenhas in his letter.

For four years, while Arun Ferreira was in jail, we did not raise our voice
as there were charges against him and we believed that the law would take
its course. Anyone who is charged with violating the law should be pulled
up. But in this case, he was charged on seven counts but acquitted of all of
them. And yet, in filmi style, he was abducted without being given a chance
to step out of prison. This looks like a clear case of victimization. If
someone is even faintly accused of being a Naxalite, he is denied even basic
human rights. If there are charges against him, they need to be proved. Four
years and seven charges are enough of a chance for the police to make their
case, Fr Mascarenhas told TOI.

Ferreira's mother said she was very grateful to the college for standing up
for him.

It is absolutely extraordinary for an educational institution to do such a
thing. This is precisely how educational institutions should function, said
P A Sebastian of Committee for the Protection of Democratic Rights, who
applauds St Xavier's for its courage.

Here is a person who is fighting for the justice of the poorest of the poor
whose natural resources are being robbed by multinationals. The state has
clearly taken the side of those who cut down forests and expel tribals, said

Fr Mascarenhas felt miscarriage of justice should not be permitted. Things
have really come to a head. People cannot sit back anymore.



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