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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Guru Baliga <gurubal...@gmail.com>
Date: 13 October 2011 17:05
Subject: Konkani Project on Wikipedia - Hackthon in Mumbai.
To: Melvyn Eugine <daijioperati...@gmail.com>, Henry Mendonca
<hmper...@gmail.com>, gokuldas prabhu <kgokuldasprabhu2...@yahoo.com>,
Ramesh Pai <rameshpa...@gmail.com>, Pai Roshan <ros...@gmail.com>,
Frederick Noronha <fredericknoron...@gmail.com>, Deepak D'Souza
<ddy...@gmail.com>, Shriram Bhat <m...@shrirambhat.com>
Cc: Santhosh Thottingal <santhosh.thottin...@gmail.com>, "Amir E.
Aharoni" <amir.ahar...@mail.huji.ac.il>, Hari Prasad Nadig

Dear Sirs,
Wikipedia Community has taken up "Automatic Script Conversion for
Konkani Language" Project for Hackthon in the forthcoming Wiki
Conference India 2011, in November, 2011 at Mumbai. World Konkani
Centre is great full to all friends in Wikipedia Community. Special
Thanks to Santhosh Thottingal from Kerala and Amir E. Aharoni from
Israel for making it possible.  I also thank my friend Nadig for
filling me with this Idea and possibility of such a project.
Kindly go through following pages for details. Thanks very much.
Gurudath Bantwalkar
Asst. Director
World Institute of Konkani Language
World Konkani Centre,
Konkani Gaon, Shakti Nagar
Mangalore  - 575016

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