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                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php



Ilha de Vanxim Association condemns daily harassment of of Vanxim 
villagers. 98,000 square meters of land is the land whereby our 
ancestors have lived for centuries. We are their decedents followed by 
our children.

Under what right bamon Mahendra Gaunekar is sending his manager Bruno 
Ferrao every single day to click snaps of our houses and surroundingĀ  
properties of our Vanxim residents? Under what authority Bruno Ferrao 
hailing from an island of Divar, Piedade is troubling our villagers 
every single day by coming with couple of photographers? Has Archbishop 
Felipe Neri Ferrao given his permission (to Mahendra Gaunekar, Bruno 
Ferrao) to do so?

Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao has no right to trouble the villagers with this 
type of activity.

The concern authorities kindly investigate in this matter. The vigilance
 department kindly make note of all this. CID please take note.

The Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao also investigate in this matter as you
 are the owner. Send your Procurator etc as you are the owner of the 


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