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                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

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 The Chief Minister of U.P. has splurged 700 crores of public money on
 Garden and monuments According to her it is awakening of Dalit`s pride and
suppressed honour over decades The costs are nothing more than one percent
of the total income and therefore on this spacious reasons resources can be
frittered away Never mind the temple of dedications has images of her, Kansi
Ram her mentor and Dr Ambedkar, the Patriach of Dalits She has thought of a
clever camouflage to hood wink the detractors
It is and attempt at self glorification, aka Idi Amin of Uganda, who erected
own  statues during his own life time  The elephants costing a crore each
are the symbols of her party Every party has criticised her for extravaganza
Mulayam , Sharad Yadav, fortunately have not been seen as vocal against this
project.The Dalits cause, which she spouses greatly would have been better
served by hospitals, schools and housing But she is unfazed and rides rough
shod against all public outcry and opposition She is not hiding her
ambitions at trying for the top post as the first Dalit woman During the
Nuclear debate cotroversy, she came very  close as possible of becoming the
P.M. This incident has fueled her self worth as the P.M material in future,
She has fired the first salvo , that UPA might prop up a Dalit candidate in
Shinde or Meira Kumar in the interim and thus preempt her goals She has been
crying hoarse at the centre for not granting enough aid to meet her needs of
the state and propagates that U.P is victimised for being the Dalit ruled
state She could have meaningfully named schools, hospitals, housing colonies
for the emancipation of Dalits to perpetuate herself eternally and then the
criticism would have been less pointed and diluted
The Dalit pride on monuments will not feed, cloth, or house the homeless.
The court has not banned her activity on account of waste of public money In
fact the money squandered by the congress scandals is astronomical
considering the pittance she utilised The Congress alone and  for political
reasons is going hammer and tongs at Mayawati, castigating her  as the enemy
of the Dalits The Dalits oppressed so far  in their hearts acknowledge her
as their only saviour and no propaganda will severe their ties with her In
spite of her expenditure on cars , security, furnishing of her personal
residence, innumerable and expensive shoes and fetish fo costly bags, the
police officers wiping her shoes, she rides the popular wave of the
incumbent C.M. in all her glory
Will these tactics of political assassination dethrone her from the
 pedestal.? Only time will tell Considering her humble origin and rise to
power and fame, she has definitely made a dent in the political scene, much
to the dismay and disconfiture of her veteran political rivals in the field
This is one wasteful expenditure, which could have raised the status of her
Dalits in a more acceptable way,but she feels the other way
Nelson lopes Chinchinim

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