                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                      Protect Goa's natural beauty

                   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

 Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php

It would be ever so great if all, if not most, of the Goanetters signed this Petition, believing that we will be leaving a great heritage for our descendants, loving them as much as we do ourselves.

Remember the Mottos:

•       Give of yourself selflessly, not expecting anything in return
•       leave the world a better one than you found it !!
• Be concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own; unselfish : an act of selfless devotion.

You will be surprised how good you will feel, after you have done just that !!

Betsy and Richard

I find it baffling and thoroughly insulting that out of 14,000 or so
Goanetters it is hard to get signatures. This is not about buying something but within oneself to be able to say I did a small bit. Not to think what good will my signature do? Who cares. I say this cause very often this is how our people think. We see this in many ways but there have not been any cogent conjectures nor valid speculation from those who are wont to supply

There is a peculiar fear that I cannot place but something is off. Something
very sick. This also make me think are the 14,000 truly reading Goanet;
skimming certain areas; foraging for bits to vent; plain nonchalance but on
what grounds, what inaneness, or are so battered in terms of family and
relationships ? that we cannot see past our darkness. Or could it possibly be the equivalent, albeit a pale one of smelling an empty feni bottle from time to time and feel nostalgic. Sounds brutal? It should not if it does not
apply. In any case brutality is not the point.

Come on people.

venantius j pinto

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