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It appears that the UPA II is in fire fighting mode The Governance of the
country is thrown to the winds The Congress at every conceivable opportunity
is deflacting and appropriating the blame towards the BJP. It sees it as all
the evil personified BJP in turns is up to the same game. Being in the
opposition it is utilising the circumstances to the hilt and cannot be
faulted on that account
The backlash against the Congress Candidates in the recent by polls is
indicative of the peoples anger directed towards the Congress and the
monumental corruptions Congress cannot be complacent any longer It is not
weighing the impact of 2G , Adarsh  CWG scams positively and is under an
illusion For the first time top functionaries are incarcerated in the jail
and even denied bail The power and influence of the politicians  to avoid
the judicial process has been totally ineffective The people are reeling
under the burden of spiralling prices, the raising of interests several
times in the last few months .Congress is condemning the wasteful
expenditure on monuments and parks in U.P., but the scams involving the
Congress could have built such parks in every state of India twice over.
Congress is taking on Yedurappa case in consolation that it is not at all
alone and has the company of BJP too.sharing the portfolio of corruption
 Govt is now toying and tinkering with the RTI act , which was the gift of
UPA I under Sonia Gandhi,  She is now singing a different tune in silence It
is the RTI act thay has been the undoing of UPAII scandals The Congress is
after Judicial activism and wants it not to cross Lakshman Rekha But the
passing of resolutions and active support to death row convicts , is it niot
interfering  with the Judiciary?The SIT appointed in case of money
laundering by the stud farm owner in Poona has made Congress see red The
electronic media providing time the parties to bash one another has
opened Pandora `s box The truth is visible to the listeners swiftly and
undiluted or edited Further the Anna movement has made the Congress run for
cover The mishandling of his arrest , imprisonment and subsequent release
has made the congress obstinacy and arrogance  , aggressiveness to bite the
dust All attempts made to denigrate Anna as the agent of BJP
and defaming the core committee have back fired There appears to be a
pattern on the physical attempts on the team members.filing of cases and
splitting the team on ideological considerations. The Congress appears to
shooting the emissary, who is bringing the message and in a state of
paranoia. There is practically no governance worth the salt, but the Govt
has let loose the counter offensive against team Anna, electronic media,RTI
Actto cushion its corruption scandals and simultaneous tirade against BJP
The Congress veteran politicians are unashamedly busy propping
up and proposing the crown prince ,the political novice and amateur  to be
their leader They are rattled by the prospects of Modi usurping the seat and
hitting out at him with no holes barred  strategy The bankruptcy of the
Congress is seen as they have no credible leader to match Modi The Congress
is loosing site of reality as it always did in the past.
Anna who has raised the conscience of the people is a formidable force to
counter with in the coming election The writing is on the wall for the
Congress defending to the last breath the corruption of its allies under the
guise of coalition politics eminent citizens have sounded the bugle for
urgent reforms to nip in the bud the monster of corruption raising its ugly
 head.The proactive legal emissaries may even loose their seats for their
attack on the media, RTI act, and team Anna The UPA
Chairperson`s deafening silence is intriguing. The UPA  for all practical
purposes is on its last leg.
Nelson lopes Chinchinm

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