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                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php

Kiran Bedi,the holier than thou and loudmouth ex IPS Police Officer has been 
caught with her hand in the till. She answers by admitting that she travelled 
by Air India in Economy Class,utilised her Gallantry Medal concessional fare, 
charged her Corporate Sponsors First Class Fare and the difference between 
First Class Fare
 minus the Gallantry Fare and minus Economy Fare she credited to her NGO! 
Casuistry at its best for an Anti- Corruption Crusader!
The Trustees of the NGO rub salt into the wound and have the gall to pass a 
Resolution that Kiran Bedi has committed no wrong! Pray could some tax pundit 
explain to a common citizen the following:
What is the tax treatment to be applied to the transaction?
Is the said amount "income" in the hands of Kiran Bedi?
Is the said amount "income" accrued to the NGO?
Can the Corporate Sponsor claim exemption for the entire full amount as 
"expense" under the Tax laws?
Has the Public Utility Undertaking lost "revenue" on account of Kiran Bedi's 
Can this amount be recovered from Kiran Bedi?
Can Kiran Bedi claim "exemption" from tax on the entire said amount?
Has the citizenry of India a right to demand complete transparency 
Better still should not  Mr Arvind Kejriwal a former IRS Officer shed light on 
these perplexing questions generated by the conduct of his team member ?
The Press too has not raised these uncomfortable questions? A former 
respected Senior Journalist whom I met recently at the International Centre in 
Goa told me that "these young brats are full of sound and fury but signify 
nothing.They dont know which questions to ask ,let alone know Grammar". Later 
a  medical doctor remarked " A person is either pregnant or not pregnant.There 
is no such thing as little pregnant or partly pregnant"

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