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Mother was very happy- Enjoying life under the peaceful nature.
Things changes when a Portuguese came into her life. 
New life, new dresses and western culture. Yet she is sad – Her children are 
not happy.
They feel they are the prisoners in their own home.
Mother wishes soon there may be a new beginning, setting everyone 
free.Desperately, waiting for the new day..
Or jump over here for rest of it and pics etc and update
Eventually, she sees the light of the day – Happy once again but not for long.
She now feels dejected. What that was not happened in 450 years is now 
happening in just 50 years.
Lot of destruction, hill cutting, deforestation, illegal mining, garbage, 
corruption etc etc 

Mother hoping for another revolution, another liberation and eventually, 
leading to ANOTHER NEW DAY
ANIK EK NOVO DIS a tiatr by Antonio De Araujo 23/10/11
37th tiatr competition organised by Kala Academy of Goa and supported by TAG
It’s a different tiatr but has very strong message to us all.
It’s a bit of a history lesson too. Includes Kings, war, Dictatorship, 
conversions, Abolishing of SATI system, revolution leading to liberation.
Thereafter, a bit of anti-merger movement, Dr. Jack de Sequeira, Bhau or Bauhu, 
abandoning of traditional profession, Goans leaving Goa,
 Portuquese Passport etc. 
Are we really liberated?
I am sure we all the answer
A story well presented on stage, lot of efforts, costumes, stage setting, 
lights etc
Tiatr may not go well with some for it did not have uncles, aunties, sisters, 
grannies or grand pas, cooks etc nor it had a comedy part that a traditional 
tiatr has.
As for me, I like it. A lot to learn from it.

Dolla Marcarenhas played very well the role of Mother Goa. Damodar Kerkar also 
done very well as Portuguese dictator with lot of Portuguese speaking. King, 
Revotionist and Dr.Sequeira role also well played by Samir Gadekar.Portuguse 
Soldad by Manuel Gonsalves.
Supported by Xetkar (Reginald Nazareth), Porker (Jose Gonsalves), Dhobi 
(Agnelo),Render (Remeto Dias), Poder (Agusto Teles), Chamar (Anton Joao 
Kunbhi/Sati (Maria Mendes), Bhatcar (Ave Rodrigues), MontriJayesh Bhagkar), 
Bhott (Nani Lourenco) etc.
There were about 14 songs

Sung by Ave, Ranice, Valenie, Com. Brian, Peter-Roshan, Carmo-Carol-Babylon 
Rego, Alvito Araujo, Baba Cyder Dias, Steve Rodrigues, Manuel, Agusto,
 Reginald, Peter Barbosa, F araujo and Ignatius de Xelvona (Inacinho Marcus 
Com. Brian (Chak de) and Peter-roshan (Patriotic), Ave (onupkari), Ignatius 
(xinkop/voddekar) etc were some of the best 
The show was nearly houseful.
Band by Maestro Luis Cota and team –Band’s ‘intro’ or Tocad will be added to 
Video 2

Watch this space.
Mother Goa

With Marathas
War with Portuguese

Change of dress code, culture
Ram Ram Satya ho

Traditional Men’s dress code

Freedom won
Roshan singing patriotic
With Jack de Sequeira
Hoping for another new beginning 


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