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Freddy Fernandes (FF) wrote:

A women's organization like Bailancho Saad should have been involved
in every crime against women, high profile or not, whether approached
or not.

Roveena's death has highlighted the plight of voiceless people who
believe on what they are told by the doctors and the authorities.

If the alleged doctor has been the cause of her death and guilty of
the charges levied against him nothing less than a death penalty would
serve justice.


1: General Comment:

 I believe FF is right. Those among us who are "paying" for the
running of these NGOs, have a right to demand that the Women's NGOs do
what we are "paying" them to do. And while, we have to struggle hard
to sit in air-conditioned 'discomfort' and on our armchairs, they (the
women's organizations) are duty bound to go and look for such cases.
If they don't, we will not "send" them any more funds.

No more 1st class air-travel for you even though you may choose to
travel by cattle-class (;-).

2: First set of Questions specific to the Raveena case (esp as the
"death-penalty" has been sought by FF):

[FF may choose to answer the questions or seek the answers to these questions]

a: When did R first complain of pain in her belly?
b: When was R first taken to the doctor?
c: When was the diagnosis of appendicitis first made?
d: When was she first operated upon?
e: Has a case for negligence (criminal) been filed against any of the
doctors in any of the courts?

3: There are other "non-death penalty" questions that FF may wish to
seek answers to (wrt to the reportedly unethical actions of the
doctors) i.e. verbal abuse of sister (for which there is NO excuse)
and the removal of eyes and kidneys without consent (which is an

f: Has any body written to the Medical Council about the abuse and
filed a case in any court wrt the assault?

4: WRT the non-provision of information to any individual who is not
the Official Guardian, I will leave it to FF to think about it.


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