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Friends ! 

In continuation of our WORLD GOA DAY 2011 celebrations and our theme for this 
* GOAN CUISINE *  reports ,  I share a post from Cyrus Todiwala.

                               Thanks .. for reading. 

rene barreto

Cyrus Todiwala : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrus_todiwala
CAFE SPICE    : http://cafespice.co.uk/

On 8 Oct 2011, at 09:15, Cyrus Todiwala wrote:

Hi Rene,

Since the launch of our Goan specials the menu has been a total sell out and I 
have decided to continue with it for another month due to it's popularity. So 
now it will be in for a full quarter

It is not just the recipes that one needs, there are plenty these days. One 
needs to make Goans feel proud of their heritage and culture everywhere 
especially in Goa itself.

Begin by forming an Association of caterers in Goa to start with and getting 
restaurants to sign up and a code of practice that commits them to being 
classical with imagination but sticking to our roots. Thereafter to monitor and 
support and to make them buy into not giving in to stupid demands as I have 
seen these last few trips.

For example.

Prawn vindaloo or chicken vindaloo or mutton vindaloo just to please the 
British tourist
If there is pride there is no deviation and the tourist will learn that and 
respect that.

Goans must stand firm and stand tall in their beliefs.

This will have a knock on effect in the domestic world too and young men and 
women will resort to cooking good food most particularly in the diaspora.

We should shave cookery classes for young Goans in Goa on the weekend. Not 
expensive but good teaching just two things each time but systematically and 
effectively. The use of modern technology to create great classical foods is a 
must. Time is scarce these days and soon servants will be a thing of the past 
so grinding, pureeing, old fashioned steaming etc. Will not always work and it 
will rather be a deterrent if the teacher insists on that being the sole 
process. Important to show it of course. BUt resort to modern techniques.

Not may cook on "Chonnas" these days for instance and it has it's own mess to 
go with it.

Variations must be taught and the importance of masalas in our cooking and how 
they can help in creating fabulous meals.

These are just ideas. But to make a start get the youth aroused. Food is the 
best way to evoke culture, pride and a sense of belonging and it needs to be 
recaptured before modernisation destroys it totally.

I feel sad that I did not learn as much as I could whilst living in Goa and how 
much if it today I would have used.
Those that could have taught me are no more and their secrets have gone with 
them as no documentation was created. My very own parses culture is in rapid 
decline and my sorrows are with me but no action was taken. I lament but the 
faults were all mine.
Older women do not like teaching some of their family secrets,  so we have to 
cajole and push them to divulge their very deep food secrets then get 
professional chefs to give the recipes some substance.

If someone sends me some old recipes slowly. But surely I can rework them in an 
easier format for young Goans globally to benefit. 

Anyway enough said
All the best
I will continue to do my bit to promote the cuisine and what little I know if 
All the best

Cyrus Rustom Todiwala OBE DL DBA
Cafe Spice NAMASTE
16 Prescot Street
London E1 8AZ
Tel.020 7488 9242
Fax. 02074889339


aNother related post : Vasco Alvares 

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