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Digvijay  back to  ABC
One wonders whether the Congress  Gen . Secretary is shooting from his foot
every time he opens his mouth It is very strange that the Congress does
not openly defend his theories nor does it disown his ridiculous statements
He is the clown in the congress circus , providing entertainment in the form
of diversions He is neither speaking for the silent Raul or deaf and sick
Sonia ,the two prominent Congress functionaries, perhaps listening with
amusement We are assured that they are capable of handling the issue
personally and so is the Congress monolith It appears that these are at best
his personal views aired, albeit to strengthen Congress positions He is
constantly barking at the BJP connivance at every instance that puts
corruption at the center stage.The Anna movement planA, , Baba Ramdev fasts
Plan B are BJP stooges. Now he targets Shri Shri Ravi the spiritual Guru
plannC, as he said the reforms with morality and spiritual base will not
deliver the message He is obsessed
 with BJP hand in every thing that fights corruption Every movement against
corruption is BJP inspired and all such actors are BJP conspirators He
is frightened that with monumental corruption involving UPA and its
constituents will dethrone the Congress from the power pedestal The Congress
cannot stomach the fact that its prestige is at the lowest ebb. The
spontaneous support to Anna movement, the recent loss in elections and the
episode of letting loose force on Ramdev are clear pointers of the anger of
people directed to the door steps of Congress misrule How Digvijay  floats
such bloomers is any body`s guess  The targeting selectively one by one from
Prashant Bushan , Kejrival ,Kiran Bedi at this juncture
is politically motivated The Congress is of the view that any one who raise
questions must enter the electoral fray, becuse they alone are the preserver
of Democracy in India Other groups , citizens, activists are persona non
grata according to the politicians In such cases they must be able to defend
themselves from callous accusations leveled against them or better still
remain silent The constant barrage against the ghost of BJP at every step is
the paranoia the congress is suffering from or delusions of its won
invincible rule or misrule It tries to justify the actions against
the activists as just and inevitable part of electoral;process People are
aware of the mastery and art at defamation, vilification of political
,opponents BJp cries foul of Congress corruption, while the Congress
lambasts BJP for supporting terrorist in the name of HIndutva The issues
facing the Nation are put on the back burner, while the two main parties are
constantly trying to blame each other ferociously for the ills facing the
country The people are aware of these entertainments of  diversion ,but they
will strike when the opportunity presents to them. People are not convinced
or carried away by the meticulous propaganda of slander and
character assassination of Team Anna Congress can take refuse in temporary
respite The gang of four may learn the bitter truth after all The faith
reposed in the team Anna is unshakable as one said hang them ,if they are
wrong, but provide strong legislation against the monster of corruption,
which not the focus of congress plan

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