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Hi guys

Thank you for your support in connection with the 'Paid News' in Goa story.

Here's an update you, in case you want to keep track of the story

You can also read this update on

warm regards



 The Goa Union of Journalists (GUJ), which represents over 200 working
journalists in Goa during an extraordinary meeting of its committee Saturday
endorsed the ‘paid news’ sting operation, exposing the unethical and corrupt
phenomenon at the ‘Herald’, one of Goa’s leading newspaper.

Please find below a press statement issued by the GUJ general secretary
VIthaldas Hegde, where the GUJ has also decided to write to the PCI to
investigate the complaint and has directed the union’s ethics committee to
conduct its own probe expeditiously.

GUJ has also asked the Goa Editor’s Guild to step up and “take appropriate

Will keep updating the blog as and when developments happen…



GOA'S PAID NEWS STORY: Goa Union of Journalists endorses sting; demands PCI,
ECI probe

Thank you for putting up the paid news story on your blog early on. Here's
an update I wanted to share with you on the issue.


*The Goa Union of Journalists (GUJ), which represents over 200 working
journalists in Goa during an extraordinary meeting of its committee Saturday
endorsed the ‘paid news’ sting operation, exposing the unethical and corrupt
phenomenon at the ‘Herald’, one of Goa’s leading newspaper.  *

*Please find below a press statement issued by the GUJ general secretary
Vithaldas Hegde, where GUJ has also decided to write to the PCI to
investigate the complaint and has directed the union’s ethics committee to
conduct its own probe expeditiously. *

*GUJ has also asked the Goa Editor’s Guild to step up and “take appropriate
action”. *

*Will keep updating the blog as and when developments happen… *




Following an extraordinary meeting of the executive committee held at its
office here on Saturday, the Goa Union of Journalists (GUJ) has appealed to
its members as well as other journalists in Goa to report to its Ethics
Committee, any unethical demands if made on them by their management of
newspapers and news channels in the course of their professional duties.
This precaution is needed especially in view of the fast approaching Goa
Assembly elections.

The GUJ executive met to discuss a complaint forwarded to it for action by
journalist and GUJ member Mayabhushan Nagvekar pertaining to a complaint of
"paid news" he had lodged with Press Council of India (PCI) against local
newspaper Herald last week.

The GUJ executive discussed the issue and noted in its resolution that the
complaint about "paid news" was a serious issue as it pertains to ethics of
the profession and accepted Mayabhushan Nagvekar’s contention that the sting
was undertaken in public interest and in the interest of the professional

The GUJ also noted that the malpractice of "paid news" had taken place
rampantly in Goa during the 2007 Assembly elections and as reader/viewer
continues to be unorganised there is no possibility of public check on the
same. Therefore, it is the duty of the journalists and GUJ members to stand
up against any such practices that will damage the credibility of the
profession. This is the part of self-regulation.

As has been its practice pertaining to complaints of breach of professional
ethics, the GUJ Executive decided to immediately handover the complaint to
Ethics Committee of the GUJ to thoroughly probe the same and report to the
Executive. Secondly, on its part the Executive decided to write to Press
Council of India to investigate the complaint speedily. A copy of the same
will also be forwarded to the Election Commission. It also decided to
forward the complaint to Goa Editors’ Guild to take appropriate action.

GUJ executive noted with concern complaints presently informally coming from
GUJ members regarding unethical demands from some organisations, for
instance, reporters being asked to collect advertisements for their paper,
which eventually compromises a
journalist’s professional integrity. These practices are equally dangerous
as the ‘paid news.’ Therefore, while appealing and encouraging members and
other journalists to approach Ethics Committee for any unethical demands on
them, the executive has asked the Ethics Committee headed by Ashley do
Rosario to probe such complaints for prima facie case and immediately take
them up with the Press Council of India (PCI) and the Election Commission of
India if a complaint also pertains to election-related coverage. The Ethics
Committee will protect the identity/confidentiality of the complainants.

As has been its practice, the GUJ executive has decided to fully back its
member over the complaint done in public interest and in the interest of the
profession without passing any judgement over the allegation till it is

The GUJ has also appealed to Goa Editors’ Guild to stand up to any attempts
from any management to compromise professional integrity by unethical
demands to be part of “paid news” during the forthcoming elections and
otherwise also. The GUJ has extended its full support to Goa Editors’ Guild
in this endeavour.

Vithaldas Hegde,
General Secretary,
Goa Union of Journalists

Mayabhushan Nagvenkar
1392, Anjuna, Bardez, Goa
pin code 403509
# 09420976862

Mayabhushan Nagvenkar
1392, Anjuna, Bardez, Goa
pin code 403509
# 09420976862

Mayabhushan Nagvenkar
1392, Anjuna, Bardez, Goa
pin code 403509
# 09420976862

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