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 Antonio De Souza <abd2...@gmail.com> wrote:

Whatever is taken are factory packed and no chance of LICK... Well who
will suffer??? The Airline... Where as other Airlines are open to it.


1: Goans will boycott nothing...for any period of time.
2: This is all Hot Air they are spewing. Tiatr.
3: BTW: There was NO ban on carrying such stuff in hand luggage.
4: BTW2: There is NO guarantee that everyone who travels with food in
baggage, will follow the "factory packed" criteria - unless enforced.
5: I once had pickle from another passenger's bag ....seep on to my
bag. I know how difficult it was to remove that stuff from the bag.
Can you imagine how a pure Vegan will feel about something leaking
from another non-veg's bag?
6: BTW3: There are more than enough non-Goans in Goa who will fly
JetAirways....never mind the two-cent, two day boycott that Goans
might threaten.

7: Now, for reference, please see the foot of the following URL

In view of the ongoing incorrect media reports, Jet Airways would like
to clarify that the airline WILL ALLOW carriage of food items in
checked baggage that are packed dry and not prone to seepage.

However, Jet airways has ONLY disallowed carriage of improperly packed
perishable food items, in normal ice or liquids in containers that are
susceptible to spillage or seepage.

This policy is based on guest feedback / complaints received by the
airline, on account of baggage damaged due to instances of seepage
caused by improperly packed carriage.

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