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Bharat Mukti Morcha strongly condemns filing of criminal cases against 
Vanxim villagers belonging to Bharat Mukti Morcha. Bharat Mukti Morcha 
condemns Sao Mathias Sarpanch Ludvina Athaide for filing of police cases
 against Vanxim villagers protesting against golf course in their 
island. According to the information published on 31st october 2011 in 
Times of India Sarpanch has filed police cases againstĀ  Maggie Silviera,
 Neetyanand Volvoikar, Amrut Volvoikar, Sadanand Tari, Mohan Volvoikar 
and Eulogio D'Mello at Old Goa Panchayat. These people are leading 
freedom movement against bamon raj symbolized in Vanxim through bamon 
Mahendra Gaunekar and Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao who sold Vanxim island.

The above named people are directly connected with Bharat Mukti Morcha 
as well as Ilha de Vanxim Association. Maggie Silveira is Bharat Mukti 
Morcha Mahila Aghadi Goa State President. Filing cases against these 
people by Sarpanch Athaide has further intensified involvement of Bharat
 Mukti Morcha. They have already been honored as freedom fighters with 
these cases in Goa's history. 

These villagers along with many other has been to the announced Gram 
Sabha on 30th October 2011. These villagers saw that there was no place 
in the Panchayat to accommodate large number of people specially those 
who came to the Panchayat to oppose the project. They asked Sarpanch and
 Secretary to hold the gram sabha outside in the open so as to 
accommodate the gathered public. They both refused and then announced 
that this gram sabha will not going be held. Agitated public refused to go 
away without conduct of the scheduled Gram Sabha.

At this juncture gathered public demanded resignation of Sarpanch as 
well that of other panchayat members. Public then told secretary to 
write minutes and public will go ahead with gram sabha and one of the 
Gram Sabha members will chair this meeting.

Panchayat itself called public for the gram sabha and Panchayat did not 
make any arrangement for accommodating them. Panchayat members including
 Sarpanch had acted in very irresponsible manner. People's protest was 
directed towards this irresponsibility of the Sao Mathias Panchayat. It 
is matter of deep concern that Sarpanch has chosen to file criminal 
cases against the people who came to the Panchayat to exercise their 
democratic rights.

The action of Sarpanch is a clever conspiracy to subvert democracy and 
establish brahmanocracy - brahmanical rule. If the members of Panchayat 
respect democracy then its Sarpanch must withdraw these police cases 
filed at Old Goa Police Station.

According to the sources at Old Goa police station these cases against 
Vanxim people are filed at the behest of bamon Mahendra Gaunekar in 
order to create fear. Bamon Gaunekar has become desperate after his 
earlier pressure tactics of splitting the Vanxim villagers through money
 failed as villagers united to his domination of Vanxim through 
construction of various projects like golf courses, hotels, resorts, 
private marinas inside the water bodies and re-name the Vanxim island as
 Ozone island.


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