                       **** Goanet Classifieds ****

  Enescil, a Brazilian engineering firm requires Engineers, Architects

   and Draftsmen, proficient in AutoCAD, for their new office in Goa

  Those interested can email enescil....@gmail.com by 15 November 2011

    Selected candidates will be sent to Brazil for 2 months training


We have always been against those who dance naked to the tune of Goa's so called Liberation. To us, the bonafide pre 1961 Goans, 19th December is not a day for Goans to celebrate with fanfare. It is the day of mourning since on the one hand we were happy that the Portuguese had been gotten rid off, thanks to India and particularly Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, but on the other hand International norms ( read UN) were put to the wind. There should have been a PLEBICITE for Goans to decide whether they wanted to remain INDEPENDENT or join the Indian Union. We are sure, Goans would have obviously opted for the later but remain under the SPECIAL STATUS like Nagaland etc. But unfortunately, our so called brainswashed FREEDOM FIGHTERS who are actually not GOANS at all but pseudo-Goans and traitors today feel proud to say that Goa has been liberated. We have always asked the 'QUESTION'. Liberated from what??? For us one colonial foreign power was replaced by another obnoxious colonial power which has destroyed OUR GOA TO NO END in just 50 years what the Portuguese have not done in 451 years. For us, OUR GOA has been annexed and retained as SPOILS OF WAR. We demand SPECIAL STATUS just like NAGALAND. Nothing else will do. Until such time we shall raise BLACK FLAGS, especially on 19 December, 2011 and proclaim to the world that GOA was not Liberated on 19 December 1961 but was ANNEXED by force through procecuting real blue blooded GOANS. We say to the Central Government of India. "Give us SPECIAL STATUS and get lost". We Goans are more than qualified to manage our affairs without your brainwashed chamchas, including the pseudo freedom fighters. You have not kept the promises galore of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru especially when in 1956 he had said at the Congress Convention that Goans will not be forced to join the Indian Union against their wishes if they want to remain separate, but without the Portuguese. Read more: http://www.nizgoenkar.net/newsDetails.php?id=1053. To add insults to injustice, you authorized (Under Indira Gandhi) the Opinion Poll to decide whether they want Goa to merge with Maharastra or remain separate. How come??? If Goans did not fight this obnoxious merger with DON PANNA against the equally obnoxious LION of Traitor Bandodkar, Goa would have been lost. Your behaviour vis a vis Goa has been traitorous. Goans will not rest until Goa is given the SPECIAL STATUS to further protect its identity on all fronts from the dilution you have effected in just 50 years. Goans will yet resort to DON PANNA to defeat the anti-Goa stance of the traitorous 'National Parties' who rule Goa through their Hitlerian High Commands from Delhi, Nagpur and Baramati.

Cheers to DON PANNA http://www.mail-archive.com/goanet@lists.goanet.org/msg17505.html

----- Original Message ----- From: "Nisser Dias" <nisserd...@gmail.com>
To: <goa...@goanet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 6:58 PM
Subject: [Goanet] COLUMN: Digambar Kamat government does not have the moral right to celebrate 50 years of Goa’s Liberation

Digambar Kamat government does not have the moral right to celebrate 50
years of Goa’s Liberation
By Nisser Dias
nisserdias at gmail.com
SMS to 9422437029

We are on the threshold of celebrating 50 years of Goa’s liberation from
the erstwhile Portuguese rulers in 1961, but the question that comes to
my mind is; do Goa and Goans have a reason to celebrate when we are
dumped in the abyss of uncertainty, large scale corruption by elected
representatives and public servants, when Goa is being allowed to be
ravaged – its hills being mowed down, its fields being reclaimed, its
lovely coastline already destroyed, its forests sacrificed, its rivers,
water bodies and springs being polluted? And over and above does the
Digambar Kamat led coalition government which has ruled its entire term,
the moral right to celebrate this memorable day?

Instead I feel that the day has finally dawned for Goans to take to the
streets to liberate ourselves from the death grip of this most corrupt
government since Liberation.


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