                        **** Goanet Classifieds ****

   Enescil, a Brazilian engineering firm requires Engineers, Architects

    and Draftsmen, proficient in AutoCAD, for their new office in Goa

   Those interested can email enescil....@gmail.com by 15 November 2011

     Selected candidates will be sent to Brazil for 2 months training


Children dying in Bengal
It is really alarming, shocking and sad that so many children have to die
There is need to find the cause of such recurring deaths all over India and
particularly in Bengal are. All those referred from rural centres are
terminally ill, just waiting to succumb? For doctors they are
mere statics and are normal for a large sample of population
The facilities are lacking in terms of doctors, trained
nurses, necessary medicines and accessories, incubators, beds, sanitation,
Children are hurdled in beds, incubators and dirty, unhygienic floors There
is no emergency response in spite of the gravity of the situation.One
doctor drunk on duty was manhandled in Bengal The lives of poor and common
people are dispensable, There would have been  an earthquake, if the child
of well to do person had met with the similar fate. It appears that private
practice is at the root of this malaise and no body wants to admit it or
take serious measures. More local health and well equipped centres would
have eliminated the rush and negligence at DISTRICT hospitals. Over a
period of time and with work pressures , routine things get ignored
Is it Media highlighting the problem for the first time has brought it to
the focus?Were these deaths  normal, ocurrence, routine over the period of
years and kept under raps and public view? The sudden phenomenon is
strange, as if it is an epidemic, localised only in Bengal The Centre it
appears is watching from the side lines as a mere spectator, instead of
rushing help urgently
Mamta Banerjee holding health portfolio is under severe attack for not
doing enough and is being blamed for holding too many portfolios unable to
do justice, She in turn finds it expedient to blame the previous Govt for
the present ills, as if they were planned to discredit her innings. Mamta
is at the receiving end and has not been able to counteract the propaganda
of insensitivity
India will be celebrating yet another children`s day with fanfare and with
no concerns to so many fatalities in hospitals for lack of medical
attention Planners feel it has to be long term goal with no immediate
relief Child education and welfare In India is the last priority In the
mean time only the mothers can feel the pain and the loss of their loves

Nelson Lopes chinchinim


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