                       **** Goanet Classifieds ****

  Enescil, a Brazilian engineering firm requires Engineers, Architects

   and Draftsmen, proficient in AutoCAD, for their new office in Goa

  Those interested can email enescil....@gmail.com by 15 November 2011

    Selected candidates will be sent to Brazil for 2 months training



Union Minister of Shipping Shri G.K.Vasan, informed Mr Shantaram Naik M.P. that Mormugao Port Trust is trying to find alternative source of funding to develop its Mechanical Ore Handling Plant by itself, in the interest of the port and its employees, and that, only if it is not feasible then the MPT will go for Public Private Partnership(PPP) model, as a last resort.

Mr Vasan has sent this reply to Mr Naik, last week, in response to his Special Mention made in the Rajya Sabha in the last monsoon session in which Mr Naik had strongly opposed privatization of Plant and suggested that MPT should develop it by themselves by finding alternative source of funding.

Mr Vasan says in his reply that Mechanical Ore Handing Plant (MOHP) Mormugao Port Trust was commissioned in 1979. As the equipments in the MOHP had already outlived its service life norm of 20 years MoPT had taken up replacement of equipments in phases commencing in the years 2002.

Replacement of the eight Barges Unloaders was completed by 2007-08 and replacement of all the three stackers is in progress along with the replacement of the conveyors feeding them, minister said.

Mr Vasan further said in his letter that the remaining equipment comprising two Shiploaders, two reclaimers, six Shipping Conveyors, 7 Receiving conveyors, Continuous barge unloader and two Sub-station also require immediate replacement as these equipment have been in operation for more than 32 years.

The original equipment Manufacturer (OME),M/s Thyssenkrupp, Fordertechnick, Germany which had studied the Structural Stability of the existing machines have also reported that the machines are in danger of Sudden fall and will have to be pulled out of operation immediately in such situation. There has already been a casualty in July, 2007 when the boom of the Crane collapsed. However, Based on the Study carried out by M/s Sandvik Asia limited, a major bulk handling equipment manufacturer has been operating the machines at 70% rated capacity. The estimated cost of the equipment to be replaced is also massive, minister said.

Minister said that it may be appreciated that MOHP has outlived its life and the cost of maintenance is very high. The plant has already incurred huge losses in the last 5 years. During 2010-11, s against the total income of Rs.92.22 crores the expenditure on MoHP was Rs.144.51 crores resulting in a deficit of Rs.52.291 Crores.

Minister further informed Mr Naik that since MoHP had taken up several works to be funded from the port’s internal resources, the port decided to obtain loan from Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA). While the project was at its advanced Stage, i.e after four appraisal missions by JICA, signing of minutes of Discussions on 1.10.2011 between JAICA Ministry and the Port obtaining approval of PIB on 15.2.2011 and draft Note for approval of the competent authority under consideration, Japan was struck with severe calamity of tsunami...

It was then intimated by Department of Economic Affairs of the Government, that there is an air of uncertainty about JICA commitment for FY-2011 and that other sources for availing the loan may be explored, minister said.

Mr Vasan informed Mr Naik that since the prospects of obtaining loan from JIA seemed bleak, Ministry of Shipping has advised MoPT to consider implementing the project by availing loan from other sources or through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode by resolving amicably the issue of redeployment of workers.

MPT has explored various options for implementing the project. They have approached other Major ports to Spare Surplus money/funds for implementing the project, which has not yield any success. The port has also analyzed the pros and cons of availing commercial loan but considering the ports delicate financial position this has not been considered the port’ proposition, Minister said



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