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NOTE: This monument was erected mainly through the efforts of the Goan 
community of Karachi


Monument to Christ the King, St. Patrick's Cathedral. Karachi
By Michael Ali ( published in the Christian Voice, Karachi (Oct. 1981) on the 
Golden Jubilee of the Monument

Blessed is the King, they said, who comes in the name of the Lord; peace in 
heaven, glory above. Luke 19:38

Recently we celebrated the Golden Jubilee of the beautiful white marble 
monument glorifying Christ the King. This monument has stood overlooking one of 
the busiest streets of Karachi – the Clarke Street. We all know this landmark, 
situated just before the Cathedral... many of us have played around when we 
were children and later posed on it for our First Communion photographs.

Let us go back in time, to the years 1926-27 and learn more about this 54 feet 
high architectural beauty. Incidentally, it is the only structure of its kind 
in the city of Karachi and many tourists try to capture its magnificence on 

Ever since the very Rev. Fr. Vincent Gimenez S.J., was officially installed as 
Parish Priest of St. Patrick’s, he infused into the parishioners a spirit which 
led to various activities for the uplift and general betterment of the 
community. Fr Gimenez as someone very rightly said, was “supremely a priest, an 
artist and human being.”

It was during his tenure, that Pope Pius IX initiated the Feast of Christ the 
King (to be celebrated on the last Sunday in October). Thus, Fr. Gimenez was 
the first to introduce the procession of Christ the King through the decorated 
streets of Saddar in October 1926.

It is however, in the year 1927 that the local branch of the Apostleship of 
Prayer conceived the idea of erecting a monument that would be a striking and 
splendid manifestation of the love and devotion to the Scared Heart of Jesus.

To translate this dream into reality, the Catholics of Karachi and surrounding 
areas got together and formed a General Board consisting of about 26 members, 
Rev. Fr. Gimenez was the President, Mr. R.A.M D’Silva as General Secretary and 
Mr. C. S. Lobo as General Treasurer.The sole surviving member of the Executive 
Committee of this Board is Mr. J. P. Lobo, father of His Lordship Bishop 
Anthony Lobo.

In addition to this, 14 Catholic Associations connected with the parish and 
representative of the Local Bodies and Public Officials numbering close to 
about 80 persons also went about collecting donations, expediting the work of 
planning, overseeing construction etc.

The Monument was designed by Mr. M. X Andrade and the construction of this 
noble work of art was supervised by the late Mr. August Rodrigues, retired 
Superintendent Engineer Public Works Dept., Bombay Presidency, who gave his 
services gratis. The marble for this monument was imported from Carara, Italy 
through M/s. Anthony Coutinho and Company. The Statue of Christ the King 
installed high above the ground was a gift from Major Quadros of Cincinatus 
Town, Karachi.

The crypt with seating capacity for about 150 people was well ventilated and 
two thought provoking murals - one of heaven and the other of hell, were the 
works of a Mr. Vaz, an artist specially invited from Goa. The crypt also houses 
a replica of St. Francis Xavier. The total cost of the monument was Rs.81,500/-

The elaborate programme chalked out to celebrate the occasion of the 
inauguration of the monument lasted for nine days and was one of the most 
memorable the city has ever seen. To ensure efficiency 11 committee were formed 
such as Congress committee, Music committee, Stage committee, Pageant 
committee, Procession committee, Street Decoration committee and an 
Accommodation committee which in cooperation with the Daughters of the Cross 
made arrangements for the lodging of visitors from out of Karachi, at the 
adjoining St. Joseph’s Convent. Arrangements were also made to pick these 
visitors up from the railway station and the Seaport.

After four years of planning and construction the monument was finally 
completed. In the evening of October 17, 1931 there was an impressive 
investiture ceremony of the new Knight of St. Gregory the Great followed by the 
famous Passion play which was held at St. Patrick’s School Playhall. This play 
was on the lines of the famed play performed at Oberammergau, Upper Bavaria, 
Germany which is held once every 10 years. 

The text of the Scriptures are followed as closely as possible and the words 
spoken by Our Lord from the Last Supper to the Resurrection as recorded in the 
four Gospels were faithfully reproduced in the course of the play. This play 
was organized and directed by Rev. Fr. Lllorens S.J. The musical accompaniments 
were selected from Handel’s “Messiah”, Palestrina, Victoria and the Plain Chant 
of the Church.

Over two hundred people took part in this play which ran for four days, to 
packed houses. Incidentally, this was the first time that microphones and loud 
speakers were used at a function at St. Patrick’s. These arrangements were made 
by M/s. Hayden and Company.

The next day a Pontifical High Mass was celebrated followed by the opening of 
the Congress of Catholic Action, by His Excellency the Delegate Apostolic to 
the East Indies, Mgr. Leo P. Kierkels C.P. After a short inaugural address and 
the reading of the telegram send by the Holy Father, the hymn to Christ the 
King was sung.

In the evening, after a short speech by the President of the Executive Board, 
Rev. Fr. Gimenez, the monument was blessed by His Excellency Mgr. Kierkels C.P. 
During this ceremony the main gates of the Cathedral Compound were also 
blessed. These gates were put up as a security measure. (Previously the 
Cathedral compound had no gates, just a low boundary wall around its perimeter.)

This ceremony was attended by a very, very large segment of society including 
many non-Catholics. Church officials from this part of the world, priests and 
religious from all over India also joined the thousands of local laity in this 
solemn moment.

During the week Masses were held at the Monument by the different organizations 
of the parish and a Congress of Catholic Action was held for three days 
pondering over such aspects as Catholic social actions, means and organizations 
of Catholic action, education for Catholic action, etc.

On Oct. 24, 1931 a Solemn Triduum began in the morning at the monument. The 
service included exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by Rosary, sermon 
and Benediction. Sunday Oct, 25, 1931 was the last day of the celebrations. The 
day began with Mass at the Monument. Immediately after the Mass the list of the 
names of all subscribers to the monument was deposited permanently in a 
receptacle at the foot of the column.

At 8 a.m. there was exposition of the Blessed sacrament and Pontifical Mass. 
This was followed by thirteen hours of Adoration during the day. Later, at 
about 6 p.m., a two mile long procession led by the band of St. Patrick’s Cadet 
Corps., and followed by parishioners dressed as various characters of the 
Bible, Officials of the Church, the various societies attached to the Church 
and Catholics from Karachi and outside.

Furthermore, Mr. Jamshed Nusserwanji Metha, President of the Municipal 
Corporation led a large section of non-Catholics who also took part in the 

The Blessed Sacrament was taken around on a beautiful float, present on which 
also were the Delegate Apostolic and the Bishops of Lahore and Nagpur. The tail 
of the procession left the Cathedral about an hour after the band and after the 
proceeding through the streets of Saddar which included Clarke Street, Frere 
Street, Wellington Street, Mansfield Street and finally returning to the 
Catholic compound via Clarke Street.

Before solemn benediction and Papal Blessing, the city of Karachi was 
consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and blessings asked for all of India. 
After the service, colorful fireworks lit up the night sky and as a cool 
October wind kissed the statue of Our Lord, the faithful made their way home 
imbued with a spirit to give glory to God in the highest.
Today,on its 80th anniversary ,  the monument is greatly damaged by the ravages 
of weather and time. Parts of it are broken and unless, drastic measures are 
taken to repair and save the structure it may not survive to see its century.



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