                        **** Goanet Classifieds ****

   Enescil, a Brazilian engineering firm requires Engineers, Architects

    and Draftsmen, proficient in AutoCAD, for their new office in Goa

   Those interested can email enescil....@gmail.com by 15 November 2011

     Selected candidates will be sent to Brazil for 2 months training


On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 5:50 PM, Nelson Lopes <nellope...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mayawati takes steps
> In a masterstroke Mayawati in cabinet decision has taken the wind out of
> sail of Congress and the other political parties The Assembly resolution
> will follow soon. U.P is the biggest administrative unit in the world,
> too unwieldy, ignored,neglected far to long It is intended to be divided
> into 4 states Harit Pradesh, Central U.P.,Parvanchal Bundelkand  BJP had
> carved out Utaranchal .There were no protests whatsoever then by any party.
> It is considered as the poll gimmick and pre poll stunt that has indeed
> left the parties sleeping It was talked about in 2007, 2008, 2009, but it
> was not taken seriously She is accused of goonda raj,, cornered on many
> issues and wanting to deflect attention on her on her misrule.Nobody denies
> the need for small states, but Mayawati taking the credit without
> consulting the stake holders is felt abhorrent Congress under Indira Gandhi
> had reservation about Harit Pradesh, being too close to the Delhi, Capital
> city.On Bundelkand Congress has long expressed its wishBut there
> are districts in M.P. with commonality of language, traditions, which want
> to be a part of it.
> BJPdid not consider Bundelkand Gorkaland, Bodoland Vidarbha, Telegana ,
> where there are long pending demands and aspiration, as it did not suit
> there agenda of convenience and no party accused it of not consulting other
> parties and raising hue and cry Jarkand wanted districts of Orissa and West
> Bengal , which were ignored. The states were carved out on linguistic
> consideration and that was the biggest folly Normally the states Re
> oranization commission normally considers long standing demands, considers
> geographical contiguity among others and then sends it to the Parliament It
> then sends it to states Assembly for their considerations , when all
> parties concerned can have their say This commission functioning is
> dictated discretely by the Govt in power and does not follow the same
> standards, process, procedure and principles Just see the demand on
> Telegana hanging fire with some excuses or the other Congress must first
> address Telegana , in stead of criticising Mayawati. Belgaum is another
> district claimed by Karantaka and Maharashtra and over the years seen many
> bloody engagements, riots and protests In the process of bifurcating stats
> we are going back to the history of India, then ruled by princess
> Mayawati could perhaps taken the decision earlier in her rule , so as to
> complete the process during her rein. But why did not any political party
> consuder and move the proposal, now reacting in desperation of her move
> with cabinet decision. Small states like Goa are easy to administer , but
> the hidden intentions of protesters are to occupy the leadership of power
> and influence, more than the welfare of the people.
> If bifurcation of U.P is essential does it matter, who initiates the
> process and when?Mayawati is independent. unilateral and evev as the
> political stunt she has acted to fulfill the aspirations of all parties?
> Any way the constitutional process will not be undermined in the final
> analysis as so required Give the devil its due Many political parties make
> all sorts of promises just before the elections and Mayawati alone cannot
> be faulted in taking advantage and at least taking the much desired step
> Nelson lopes chinchinim


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