Dear Mr. Aires Rodriques,

On reading your message of date I was saddened to read the sorry state of
Affairs in my home state and I am deeply moved by its several plights in

What needs to be done practically as the need of the hour, mobilize like
minded people and  campaign signature on door-to-door basis; so that one
will get to know who is interested and who is not to 'Save Goa Movement'.
This will give a clear picture of the masses whether they have a real
concern among themselves to Save Goa from Gullible Sharks of every
dimension or it is just a rhetoric exercise?

As you have rightly pointed out 'If immediate remedial steps are not taken
we will lose the battle to Save this once Paradise of the east now in a
state of decay, disarray
and grave concern'.

So Wake You People of Goa and you all Goans.  Put all your differences
aside, caste, credo and religion and fight to your last breath for the
common welfare of all Goans.  'Right is Might' or it may be too late before
the Realization Dawns on each individual Goan and that tomorrow may never
come, just to see / watch Goa Gone Bye!

Faded into the thin air or into smithereens.

Sam Furtado
Navi Mumbai

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 5:55 AM, Aires Rodrigues

> Goa lies in a critical state so very wounded and brazenly defaced.  Being a
> small beautiful State blessed with abundant resources and a very
> picturesque landscape it should have been India’s best State in all
> respects. If immediate remedial steps are not taken we will lose the battle
> to Save this once Paradise of the east now in a state of decay, disarray
> and grave concern.
> Goa needs to have a planned development with an environmental vision by
> first improving Goa's crumbling basic infrastructure while also tackling
> serious issues like garbage and vehicle parking in cities on a top
> priority.
> Every citizen has a right to good roads, proper power and water supply. The
> Planning and Development authorities (PDA’s) must be scrapped and planning
> work must be facilitated by assigning a Town Planner at every Municipality.
> There is an urgent need to enact necessary amendments to the Town and
> Country Planning Act to ensure that land use is not manipulated at the
> whims and fancies of those in power.
> There has to be a check on rampant corruption, gross indiscipline and rank
> abuse of authority currently prevalent in Government offices. With
> corruption having peaked, Goa urgently needs the setting up of a
> "Lokayukta” to ensure public accountability of Ministers including the
> Chief Minister, Members of the Legislative Assembly, Municipal Councilors
> and Panchayat members, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Managing Director and
> Members of all the Corporations under the control of the Government. The
> working of all the NGO’s also needs to be made transparent and accountable.
> Independence of the police force is a must. Ministers and MLA’s should stop
> controlling and manipulating police stations. The power to transfer and
> promote police personnel should vest only with the Director General of
> Police, IGP and DIG.
> To promote the interests of Goa’s educated unemployed the Government should
> revert the retirement age of government employees to 58 if not 55 and stop
> the extensions in service and contract appointments being given to retired
> government officers.
> We need to ensure transparency in recruitment of all government staff by
> entrusting the entire selection process to a properly constituted Goa
> Public Service Commission. Selection to all posts should be strictly on
> merit. All government jobs should go only to people of Goan origin and 80%
> jobs in private and other organizations must be reserved for those who are
> domiciled in Goa for at least 25 years. Many of the unnecessary Government
> Corporations which are operating as white elephants burdening the tax payer
> should be wound up. The rest should be headed not by politicians but
> experts in the field related to the subject matter of the Corporation.
> Information sought under the Right of Information Act has to be made more
> accessible to the public by having a centralized call centre in the State
> to handle all applications for information under the Act as has been done
> in the State of Bihar.
> We must seriously look into the illegal migrant vote banks set up in most
> constituencies by certain politicians. All bogus voters on the electoral
> rolls of Goa need to be deleted as most of them are existing as voters in
> their home state too.
> There is need for a law to regulate sale of land to persons not of Goan
> origin. Communidade land has to be protected for the purpose it was
> envisaged by taking deterrent action against large-scale encroachment and
> land use violation.
> Everything possible needs to be done to keep Goa alive and healthy for
> generations to come. Posterity will not forgive us if we do not thwart the
> vested designs of those selfish and ever so greedy politicians who are out
> there in full force to devastate, destroy and bury Goa.
> Aires Rodrigues
> T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
> Ribandar - Goa - 403006
> Mobile: 9822684372
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                       Protect Goa's natural beauty
>                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve
>  Sign the petition at:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:


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